Chapter Seventeen

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Author's Note: This is Clay's new house!

Clay's point of view
Holy fucking shit. "Is that really him.." my dad asks me and I nod slowly and gulp. Matt.. "I'll take him to the police station, go watch your sister," my dad says and I nod again, then my dad drags his body out of the house as I go upstairs. I rush to my room and open the closet door and see my sister crying. "Shh, it's ok. Come here.." I whisper then open my arms for her and she runs to me and cries into my shoulder. I stand up as I hold her in my arms and I go downstairs to get her a juice or something. I go back upstairs still holding her, then I lay her down on my bed and give her the juice. She still cries but I wipe her tears away, then I try to make her laugh and she does but tears still fall. I lay her down on her back then I put the blanket over her, and her eyes slowly close and she finally falls asleep. I sit on the floor against my wall and I decide to text Hannah.
C - U up?
H - Yeah sorry I didn't respond so soon, I was startjng to wake up
C - Oh, ok
H - Why, what's wrong?
C - Matt broke into my house..
H - Seriously?
C - Sadly, yes
H - Are you and Carli ok?
C - I am and so is she, she was crying badly but my dad took him to the station and my mom is at work
H - Oh.. do you want me to sneak out and come over? We dont have school tomorrow
C - If you want, kind of need the company rn anyway
H - See you in a few ❤️
I put my phone down next to me and I look at Carli, poor girl.. only four and this is what she's dealing with. A few minutes later, I hear a light knock at the door and I walk downstairs and open it, Hannah's arms wrap around me right when I open the door. "Hey.." I tell her than wrap my arms around her as well. "Are you okay?" She asks and I smile even though she can't see my face. "I'm fine, don't worry.." I tell her and she takes a deep breath then she pulls away. She puts her hands on my face, "I'm just glad you and Carli are okay.." she says and I put my hands over hers. I kiss her and she kisses me back, but since my sister is here we decide not to take it any further. We hear the door being unlocked, and when it opens it's my step-mom. "What happened?" She asks and I sigh, "Someone broke in but dad took him to the station, and Carli is sleeping.." I tell her and she takes a deep breath then hugs me tightly. She pulls away and looks at Hannah, "Well, who's this pretty lady?" She asks and I blush a bit, "This is Hannah, my girlfriend. Hannah, this is my.. mom," I tell then smile when I say the last part. "Well, you're very beautiful Hannah. Is she staying the night?" She asks and I scratch the back of my neck, "I- Um, yes, if that's okay with you." Hannah replies and my mom smiles, I like the fact I can get used to calling her mom.. I know my real mom wouldn't want me to hate her. "You are welcome here anytime you like! I'll take Carli to my room so she won't be scared," she says and I nod. She goes upstairs and to my room, then comes out with Carli and smiles, "Use protection." I groan quietly and Hannah smiles shyly. We rush into my room and I shut the door, "That was the most embarrassing fucking moment.." I tell Hannah and she laughs. I take off my shirt and she takes off her jacket, then we lay down next to each other on the bed. I look at her and she looks at me, "What?" I ask and she smiles, "You're such a good person.." she whispers and I look at the ceiling. "But, I'm not.. you could find a better guy than me," I tell her and she sighs, "I could never. You're one of the best guys I've ever met," she tells me and I turn on my side to see she's laying on hers. I put my hand on her waist and pull her closer to me, then I kiss her slowly. My hand travels under her shirt to her stomach as hers goes up and down my arm. She takes off her shirt then stops kissing me for a minute and I smile at her, "I'm so ashamed of my body.." she tells me then puts her hands on her face. "Why? You're beautiful, and so is your body.. you have nothing to be ashamed of," I tell her and she smiles. Why is she ashamed? She's fucking perfect. All she has on is her shorts and her bra, and she looks so pretty right now. Her hand goes on the side of my neck and kisses me again, then I pull her on top of me. While kissing her, I reach into my beside drawer and pull out a condom, then she nods when she sees it. I slowly pull down her shorts a little, I don't like going fast when it comes to Hannah since she can be sensitive sometimes, and the last thing I want to do is hurt her. She pulls down my sweats and boxers and I put the condom on and I enter her. We both moan quietly at the same time, and my hands go on her waist. "Fuck.." I whisper and she sighs. I hear a click and she looks at the window, "What was that?" She asks and I look at the window and shes gets off of me to the side as I quickly pull my boxers and pants back up. I hear it again, then I quickly get up and open my window, "Hey!" I yell and then I see someone running away with a camera. Oh no..

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