Chapter Eight

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Clay's point of view
I walk inside the house and I see my dad sitting on the couch and I roll my eyes, hoping he doesn't notice me. "Where the fuck were you!" He yells and I just keep walking. "Don't fucking ignore me," he says and I hope he's on the couch still, but instead he just grabs me by my shirt and pulls me back. "Let me fucking go!" I say loudly and he laughs bitterly before throwing me into the wall. I push him off me, then I hear him grabbing something. Before I know it, a bottle of whiskey hits me in the forehead, he slips on the whiskey and glass lands in his back. I've been through enough to know I can't pass out from a glass hitting me, but I can bleed pretty fucking badly. I look down at him on the floor, his eyes are shut and he's not moving. I rush upstairs and grab my backpack and my duffel bag I keep just in case. I shove all my things in both bags and go into the kitchen and grab some food. I look in his wallet and I find a credit card so I put it in my pocket and rush out. I see Hannah looking anxious then she sees me and sighs. "What happened?" She says then tries to wipe the blood away with her thumb, but it's too deep. "We should get you to the hospital.." she says. "No!" I say loudly and I realize what I just did. "Sorry.. I can just get a bandage and put it over and boom." I say smiling, hoping she won't feel hurt that I just yelled at her when she tried helping me. She sighs and tells me to stay still, and I wonder what she's doing. She grabs the tip of the glass that's in my forehead, and slowly pulls it out and yes, it hurts so fucking bad but I don't wanna be a pussy in front of her, but I feel she can hear my teeth grinding together. She finally pulls all of it out, then tells me to keep pressure on it with my hand so I don't bleed to death, which I assume is a joke.. We finally get to school and she throws the glass in the trash, then goes to the nurses office for a minute. Then she comes back and puts a bandage on my forehead, then she smiles the beautiful fucking smile. "Can I take you out on a date tonight?" I ask her as I lean against the locker next to hers since someone already opened it and left. "Sure, what time?" She asks and I check my phone. "Hmm.. 5:00?" I ask and she smiles and nods. How bad I wanna just kiss her here in front of everyone, but if she doesn't feel comfortable and I didn't know, she'd stop talking to me. She shuts her locker and says she has to go to the bathroom and I tell her I'll go with her. As I wait outside the women's restroom for her, I look around and nobody's here.
Clay💫  - Anybody in the restroom?
Hannah🙈 - No, you wanna come in lol
Clay💫 - I just really need to kiss you, please let me 🙏🏻
She doesn't respond but I'm left on read and I curse at myself for being so ignorant. Just as I'm about to text her I was joking, a small hand grab my hand and pulls me inside. "Hey," I say and she grins at me. My hand goes through her hair and I kiss her, my tongue gliding along hers and she sighs at the contact. My hands stay at my sides, but then she grabs them and puts them on her waist as we're kissing and I gently squeeze and she sighs. The bell rings and I mentally curse at myself then she just smiles. I'd die for that smile. We have different classes so I tell her to text me if anything's wrong and she nods then goes to Social Science. I go to Algebra and I see Monty staring at me and I flip him off under the desk as the teacher reads and he mouths, "Fuck you." I mentally laugh and I mouth, "You're a bitch." He gets up and glares at me, "Mr. De La Crùz, please sit down." The teacher tells him and I smirk as I read a book. After class ends, I wait at Hannah's locker and she finallt shows a minute or so later. "Hey, what took you so long?" I ask trying not to sound possessive. "Sorry, caught up with Jessica." She says then opens her locker. Jessica and Henry walk over to us and Henry has his arm around Jessica. "Hey guys!" Jessica says and Hannah rolls her eyes at how they are together. "Hello," I say then lean my head against the locker next to Hannah's and smile at her beautiful face as she puts her books in her locker. "Clay, you're gawking," Henry teases me and I flip him off and roll my eyes. "What are you guys doing tonight?" Jessica asks and Hannah looks at me.
"I'm gonna take Hannah on a date," I say then I smile at her again and she smiles back then looks back at her locker. "Double date?" Henry asks and Hannah shuts her locker then nods. "We're meeting at McDonalds, be there at 5:00," I joke and Jessica rolls her eyes. What is it with us four and eye rolling? "There is some restaurant down the street from our house we can go to, some steakhouse or some shit like that." Henry says and I put my hands in my pockets and we all nod. "I'll pick you all up at 5:00, alright?" Henry says and we nod again. We all have English next and we all share a table which is good for us. We sit down and someone taps me on the shoulder then I turn around. A crumbled piece of paper falls in my hand and I look at who gave it to me. Scotty? Hannah is looking at her paper and I open the crumbled paper and it says some hurtful fucking things, but also some good things, at least some people take as a compliment. I read all of them but only one catches my eye. Best ass. Hannah Baker. I look at Hannah and she looks up at me then gives me an 'Are you okay look?' but I'm silent. I crumble the piece of paper and throw it in the trash. I should've ripped it to pieces, but Zach grabs it out of the trash then reads it and chuckles then looks at Hannah. He gives it to his friends and they all laugh quietly then they all look at Hannah. Stop staring, stop staring. Hannah looks at them then at me and my head falls in my hands. Don't do this to her, anybody but her. She looks confused as the jocks stare a her, but she decides to brush it off.
The bell rings, we have free period then we can leave. As Hannah and I are walking to my locker, I hear the jocks whistle at her as she's walking in front of them and she turns around. "Nice ass, Hannah," Zach says then snickers. I shove him into the locker, shit is about to get real.

Author's Note: AHHHH I love this chapter! And yes, even though Clay is short in the show and skinny and has body hair (lol,) in this he will be 5'11, have abs, and a shaved torso cus that gives me anxiety when it has hair, I don't know why lol. And yes, Clay will get more tattoos in the future and maybe a new piercing, but I won't tell you what the tattoos are. ;)

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