Chapter Thirty

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Quote of the chapter : It's okay to not be okay..

Hannah's point of view
"I.. how?"
"She- Madison was walking with her and Carli took off and Madison tried catching her and- she got hit by a car.." Clay's voice breaks and it's painful to see him like this, I've barely ever seen him like this. "I'm gonna drop you off and then go to my house.." he whispers and I sigh. "Clay, I can stay with-" "I'm going to drop you off, okay?" he cuts me off and I take a deep breath before slowly nodding my head. I understand his pain, I'd be angry too if I were him.
"Bye," I mumble and he nods once, then I get out of his car and he drives off, tires screeching and all. I sigh and wipe the tear already starting to roll down my cheek. "Hannah, are you ok?" My mom says from the front door and I clear my throat, turning around to face her. "Y-yeah mom, I'm alright." She takes a deep breath and gives a small smile. "Well come in, it's cold out there!" she says then smiles a bit wider and I nod, walking to the front door.
I sit down on the edge of my bed and check the time on my phone, surprisingly, it's only 9:00 P.M. I run my hands over my face and take a deep breath before putting my phone beside me. I really hope Clay is okay.. should I check on him? He always checks on me when I'm sad, so might as well. I didn't undress when I came in so I just grab my phone and walk out of the house after telling my mom I'm going somewhere and I'll be back soon. I get in my car and turn on the engine, my fingers wrapping around the steering wheel. I drive to Clay's house and park in front of it. Getting out of the car, I take a deep breath because I feel that something bad will happen? I don't know, I always think something bad will happen. I walk up the few steps and knock on the door, then I see his step-mom answer. "Hi, Hannah.." she says, and I can tell she's just as sad as Clay. "Hi.. um, is Clay here?" I ask and she sighs, shaking her head. "He left about fifteen minutes ago, he didn't say where.. he just.. left." I run my hand through my hair, probably a nervous tick. "Well, um.. thank you for telling me. Have a good night, ma'am."
"Goodnight, Hannah."
I get into my car and only once, I bang my fists against the steering wheel. I'm not trying to be jealous, but he couldn't at least tell me where he is? I sigh and turn on the engine again, then I start driving around the streets. I start to hear faint music, and when I drive more down the street, I hear it getting louder and louder. I pass Jessica's house and I see that she's having a party, so I have no choice but to go in, although I'm only going in to see if Clay is there. I park my car on the other side of the road and put my keys in my pocket after I get out. I walk in and I mostly see drunk teenagers, well they're all drunk teenagers. I look around and I see Jessica and Justin kissing, and I can't help but roll my eyes. If she were to break up with Henry then date Justin, I wouldn't be as mad, but she cheated on my flesh and blood, not cool. "Jeff!" I shout since I see him across the room, and he motions for me to go over to him. I walk over to him and he gives me a warm smile, one that a friend should give. "Where's Leah?" I ask and he looks around, "getting a drink." I nod slowly and he scratches the back of his neck. "Have you seen Clay?" I ask and I can tell he sees the worry on my face. "He came in a while ago, he seemed pretty upset. Haven't seen him since though." I rub my forehead and thank Jeff before walking away to look around the two story house. I go upstairs and look in every room, seeing drunk horny teens in every single one. I open the door to the final one, and my heart shatters to pieces. How could he do this to me?

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