Chapter Nineteen

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Hannah's point of view
I finish writing on my paper and I hear that fucking voice, "Hello!" I look up and see Henry leaning against the doorway. Everyone looks up at him, but I just get up from my seat and walk over to him - I hug him. He wraps his arms around me and I cry silently into his shoulder. "Hey.." he whispers and I just hug him tighter, I know I've seen him in the hospital before but I just needed to hug him. "Don't cry.. it's alright," he whispers again and my teacher clears her throat, "Um, you may have a moment outside you two.." she says and I pull away and nod, then I walk out of the class as Henry follows behind. "I missed you.." I tell him and I hug him again. "Are you feeling better?" I ask and he sighs, "It hurts a bit but nothing I wouldn't go through to see my sister," he says then smiles and I look up at him. "Henry.." I mumble and he nods, motioning for me to go on. "Um.. Jessica- she.. cheated on you," I whisper and he takes a step backwards and looks down. "She did..?" he says and I nod slowly. "Um.. with- with who?" He asks and I take a deep breath, "Justin Foley." He looks at me and gives me a funny look as if I'm joking, but when he sees I'm not laughing I can tell his heart just shattered into a million pieces. He starts to walk to the classroom but I grab his hand and pull him back, "No, not now." I tell him and clenches his fists. "I just wanted to visit all my friends and family today since I have to go to jail for two weeks tomorrow, but this is where the fuck I end up?" He says and his voice breaks at the end, it takes a lot to make my brother sad and the fact Jessica did this to him, blows my mind. "Here.. spend time with mom and dad today, our friends.. they'd love to see you," I tell him and he sighs, running his fingers through his hair. I see Tony walking down the hall towards us, "Hey Henry, feeling better?" he asks and Henry looks at the door. "Worse.." he mumbles and Tony looks at me, "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. You wanna go to Monet's for a coffee?" He asks both of us and Henry takes a deep breath, then he nods. "I can't skip class, mom will get mad at me," I say and Tony nods. I walk back to class and sit back down at my seat, "So, how'd it go?" Jeff whispers to me and I sigh, "I told him.." I whisper back and Clay turns to me then looks down at his paper. "Did he make that noise that sounded like a bang?" Clay asks as he is still looking down at his paper, then he looks up at me and I nod. About thirty minutes later, the bell rings and we all stand up and go to our next class. We finally have free period, and we have one more class after that then we can finally go home. I go to Clay's locker as he looks through it, "Hey." I say and he turns to me and he smiles his most handsome smile, "Hello." I go to say something to him, but a girl walks over to us and leans on Clay and he politely brushes her off. "Thanks for the other night, we should do it again," she says and winks, then she walks off. I look at Clay, my eyes starting to water, "Hannah, I don't know what the fuck she's talking about. I swear," he says and I'm already starting to walk off. "Hannah, wait. Move! Hannah, please," he says as he tries to follow behind me in the crowd. I lose him in a hallway and I sob to myself since there's no one around, then I hear a locker slam loudly, or a noise that involves a locker. I quickly wipe my tears as the bell rings; I walk to my last class of the day, and thankfully it doesn't involve Clay. How could I be so stupid? I lost my virginity to this fucking guy because I thought he was nice, the only nice guy, but apparently not. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I see Zach. "You okay?" He whispers to me and I look down at my table, "no.." I mumble and he sighs. "Do you wanna talk after school.." he whispers again and I go back to writing on my paper. "Maybe.." I whisper back and I see him nod in the corner of my eye. Class ends way slower then it should, but only because one thing, one person, is on my mind. I take a deep breath when I finally walk out of the crowded place, then I hear footsteps behind me. "Hannah, wait!" Clay says loudly and I walk faster, "Hannah, please stop," he says again and I stop and turn around. "Why should I? You cheated on me and here I am, thinking you're a great fucking guy!" I yell at him and he takes a deep breath, "Hannah. I didn't cheat on you! Why would I? You're everything to me, Hannah!" He says and I scoff. "Why do you even care about me?" I yell at him. "Because I fucking love you, Hannah!"

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