Chapter Five

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Clay's point of view
I open the door to my house, then I walk in and lock it. "Where the fuck were you!" My dad yells and I sigh. "I was at a party," I mumble and go to walk upstairs, but he grabs me by te shirt and I fall on my back. "The hell!" I yell then get up. "I told you don't fucking stay out late!" He shouts in my face. "And I told you stay out of my life! I wish it was you instead of mom in that car!" I shout back and slam my door to my room when I get there. Not this fucking flashback, please no..
"Mommy, are we almost there?" I asked her and she smiled through the rear view mirror. "Yes babe, once we get off this highway we'll be there." She told me and I smiled wide. She was taking me to the place she grew up.. "Can I have a snack?" I asked her and she nodded then grabbed something from the console. She kept her eyes focused on the road in front of us then turned around in her seat to give me a bag of chips, but when she turned back around, the car was too close to her. And hit her. It was a drunk and high driver. 5:57 P.M exactly. I felt pain everywhere but I wasn't focused on that, I was focused on the bloody woman in front of me, cuts everywhere on her body. I kept tapping her, trying to wake her up. But she wouldn't. All the windows were broken, and someone opened the door and pulled me out making sure I was okay. But I ignored them, I was a child, 8 years old, all I could focus on was my mother. I opened her door and tried pulling her out, but I was weak.  The man who helped me was calling the police, then he hung up a few minutes later. I looked around on the busy highway, I saw another flipped over car, blood dripping from the driver's seat. Five minutes later, I heard a whole bunch of sirens, and they kept getting closer, and closer, until they stopped in front of me. One trio of men rushed over to the flipped car, and another rushed over to my mom. "Son, are you okay?" A woman asked me, and I realized she is a nurse. "I- I don't know, but is my mom gonna be okay!" I yelled and she bent down to my level, I wasn't a tall child. "We're gonna take you both to the hospital okay? Do you live with just your mom?" She asked me and I shook my head. "No, my papa lives with me," I told her and she nodded. "What is your name?" She asked and I sighed. "I don't give my name to strangers.." I whispered and she smiled small. "Your moms name?" She asked and I nodded. "Lainie Jensen." I told her and she nodded, then went over to a police officer and told him some stuff, my thoughts were too loud to hear what she was saying. The same police officer came over to me and told me I'd be okay, I'd just need stitches. "Is my mommy gonna be okay?" I asked him and he was silent. Instead of instantly knowing she was dead already, I just kept looking at him for an answer. He patted me on the head and walked away, and I was left standing there. Not knowing my mom was dead.
No.. no.. STOP! Please.. my stomach starts turning and I'm rushing to the bathroom, until I finally puke all my guts in the toilet. I spit just in case there's any more, and luckily there is not. The door opens and I expect it to be my dumbass dad, but instead it's Jessica, Henry, and Hannah.. "What happened dude?" Henry asks as he lifts me up. "I- nothing.. food poisoning," I lie and Hannah looks me up and down, then puts her hand on my shoulder. "You don't shake when you get food poisoning, what happened?" She asks and I take a deep breath. "I saw a vision of my mom dying.." I say and they all hug me, Hannah hugging me the tightest. Henry says he's gonna go do something at the house then come back, and of course he takes Jessica with him. Hannah and I are sitting at the edge of my bed. "Are you sure you're okay?" She asks and I smile weakly. She gets out her phone and texts something to Henry, I don't see it but I see his name. "That's it, we're going to the movies." She says and I tilt my head to the side, confused. "Don't look at me like that, we're going to the movies. I need you to smileeeee!" She says happily and just that makes me smile. She grabs my hand and we go downstairs then walk out the door, and we walk to the Crestmont.
Once we get there, she asks me what movie I want to see and I look at the choices. I see one I like and I look at her. "You like aliens?" I ask and she nods then smiles at me. "I'll pay," she offers but I shake my head. What kind of man lets a girl pay? I get us a medium popcorn and we walk into our theater, and sit next to each other. There's a few other people but I only focus on Hannah as she pays attention to the movie. "What?" She catches me gawking at her and I smile. This spell she puts me under.. "You're just so beautiful," I whisper so only she can hear. She looks around since we're the only people in the back, then she puts her hand on my jaw and kisses me slowly. Wow, I want to date her.

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