My worst birthday gift

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Y/n's pov

It was my birthday today and my brother invited his friends to come to my party

I didnt have any friends cause Im not a social person but his friends are my friends too

"Y/n they're here" Namjoon said and I nodded and sat down on the couch

"Hey you guys came!" Namjoon said and they all hugged him "Y/n come here!" Namjoon shouted and I ran to them

"Happy birthday Y/n!!" They all said except for jungkook

They hugged me and I hugged them back "Oh I gotta prepare the food" I said and ran to the kitchen grabbing the food and putting them on the table

"Food is ready" I shouted and I heard footsteps coming to me


"Woah! Y/n the food was amazing!" Jin said "Thank you" I said

"Yah! you aren't going to say that I helped you!?" Namjoon said "If I did no one will believe me cause you almost burned the kitchen last week" I said and they all laughed except for jungkook of course,

I cleaned the table and washed the dishes, While I was washing the dishes I heard them talking

"Namjoon there's another man coming to Y/n to...... Her" Hoseok said but I didn't hear the other part

I finished washing the dishes and decided to eavesdrop on them

(Chismosa sya | she's a Gossiper HAHAHA)

"She's already 22 and your parents told you to give her the card on her 22nd birthday" Taehyung said

"Jungkook's still angry about it" Yoongi said "Jungkook my parents rely on you to protect my sister" Namjoon said

"Why don't you protect her? you're her brother" Jungkook said "Jungkook I already told my parents why you but they said you were special that's why they want you to protect her" Namjoon said and I was confused

"What do you mean?" I asked and they all looked shocked except for Jungkook

"Joon it's time to tell her" Jin said and Namjoon sighed and handed me an envelope

I opened it and read it, it said

Dear Y/n

We don't have much time left a mafia gang is trying to kill us both and when they do they'll come to you guys and kill you too

We want you to be protected so we decided to arrange a marriage for you and Namjoon's friend, Jungkook

If you didn't know, us your parents, Namjoon and his friends are Mafias, The gang that's trying to kill us has been wanting to kill our family but we did everything to protect you and your brother

We want you to be protected so we arranged a marriage for you and Jungkook, We're sorry we didn't get to see you when you become an adult and you are now 22 when you read this

Please understand and you are going to be living with them forever so you to be protected

We hope you understand we are just trying to protect you sorry

-Your parents

I fell on the ground and they all ran to me "Are you okay Y/n?" Namjoon asked and tears went out my eyes

"Umm guys there are a lot of people surrounding us right now I think it's the gang your parents have been talking about" Yoongi said

"Shit!" Jin said and they all stood up "Jungkook bring my sister in her room and protect her okay, lock the door okay" Namjoon said and Jungkook nodded and carried my body


I heard a lot of gun shots from up here, Jungkook locked me in the closet and sat beside it holding a gun

"Are you okay Y/n?" Jungkook asked from outside the closet

"Y-Yeah" I said in a scared and shaky voice "Can you cover your ears so you don't hear gun shots?" He asked and I hummed in response and cover my ears

Suddenly I heard a gun shot inside my room making me flinch.....

Hello guys hope you enjoyed this first part of the story and I'm sorry if it's short i'll make it longer next time
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August 10, 2020


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