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I woke up with a jolt a glanced over at my brother Heath who was bleeding from what appeared to be a knife wound. I sat up my hand burned as it brushed against a silver knife with

jewels of Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby and Topaz encrusted into the handle. I took a look at myself and realized I was covered in blood. But this isn't my blood though, and why can't I remember what happened.

Oh no, this is bad why can't I remember what happened to us before I blacked out. The door to the room slammed opened and my father was there pure rage on his face as he took in the bloody scene in front of him. His beta Aiden rushed to heaths side, "He is breathing but gravely injured from the combination of silver and wolfs bane."

Wait a minute, wolfs bane? Why am I not affected by it? The silver burned and caused me pain but wolfs bane should have cause me to be delirious. I quickly stood up and as I did, I felt my wolf begin to awaken inside me. As I tried to come to terms with what was happening. What happened next changed everything.

"Please father, I don't remember what happened one minute we were watching a movie and this is what I woke up to," I pleaded with tears pouring down my face. I started feeling hot, my senses were heightened a sign my wolf was beginning to appear.

"ENOUGH," he shouted in his Alpha tone. He looked torn between wanting to listen and if looks could kill.

"Aurora Jade Knight you are here by banished from the Blood Moon Pack, never to come back to Blackstone Falls. If you do it will be your downfall and death. You will be a rogue from this point on," stated my father as he stared at me his wolf dangerously close to surfacing.

I'm here Aurora I will get us far away from here now lets get to freedom, stated my wolf with concern.

Let's get out of here, I stated letting out a growl that resembled a battle cry and begin to shift.

I felt my bones and muscles rearranging and soon my wolf was standing before my now enemies. I took one last look and saw an expression of shock on their faces before it was replaced with anger and determination. With a snarl I turned and jumped through the window shattering the glass and landing on all four paws and ran.

I was running as fast as I could in my wolf form, away from the familiar mountains that I called home. I can't believe I was being banished at thirteen years old from the Blood Moon pack led by my father Alpha Jared Knight. My paws pounded against the earth as I turned West to get out of the territory and away from the warriors assigned to making sure I left. As I crossed into the neutral ground and into the unknown. I felt the bond to the home I thought I would never leave break. The pain of the severed pack bond was unbearable but was snapped back to focus on my situation when I heard a pack warrior yell out.

"You ever come back here it will be the death of you," shouted the familiar voice of Aiden the one who was to train me to one day become a warrior myself.

I kept running letting my wolf take over completely with no looking back.

The Elemental Wolves: The Autumn WolfWhere stories live. Discover now