Chapter 25 Delta's Past Revealed

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Delta's POV

When I saw her with eyes glowing green challenging the Alpha of Red Sea, I knew that I would be free. Free from being controlled, free from the endless abuse and torture, free to finally meet my wolf after years of longing for him. When my wolf made his unexpected but well -timed appearance I was thrilled and ready to defend these women. Bourne was thrilled to finally meet me and helped me to defeat Alpha Beckett and free those enslaved once and for all. I learned that I wasn't alone with mysterious powers I could control water and learned that this Luna Aurora and pack member Adara also had elemental powers I soon found out. When Bourne and I killed Beckett, we felt a connection to Aurora as she embraced us with a motherly embrace, we felt a warmth and healing touch as her powers healed my physical wounds my mental and emotional ones would heal with time but for the first time in a while we felt safe.

Two days had past since they attacked Red Sea and whisked away those who wanted a fresh start a Black Crescent. A pack who was well known and feared because of the viciousness of their attacks by their Alpha Xavier. I saw Alpha Xavier and Luna Aurora as a symbol of hope and Bourne was determined to protect his new family members especially after learning Aurora was expecting the heir to the Alpha title. Tonight, myself and ten other wolves would become members of Black Crescent. What was even more comical was Aurora and Adara bickering over where I was to stay with as I was still underage for a werewolf. In the end Xavier had to step in and settled their argument that I would remain in the packhouse with them for the time being. I was thrilled to bits and a bit overwhelmed at the sheer size of the packhouse but had my own bedroom and bathroom on the Alpha's floor.

I knew that I needed to tell Xavier and Aurora the full extent of what Beckett had put me through and would tell them before the ceremony tonight. A knock on my door had me getting up to answer it.

"Good morning Delta, thought you and your wolf would like to go for a run with myself and a few other warriors," said Lorenzo with a smile on his face.

"Would love to join you for a run," I said feeling Bourne jumping up and down excited to stretch his legs out.

"Then let's go kiddo," he said as we walked down the stairs and out to the start of a trailhead the warriors used for training runs. I sniffed the air enjoying the scent of the maple trees and the damp earthy smells as it rained during the night. Much more pleasant than the salt from the ocean but I was also calm around bodies of water.

I'm ready to shift when you are Delta, said Bourne eagerly.

Let's go, I said excitedly.

I felt my body begin to shift as the bones rearranged and my wolf stood in my place. He was unique in color with white paws and splash of white over our back. I looked over at Lorenzo and noticed he had shifted and we were joined by some warriors. He yipped and took off as Bourne took over and quickly followed him up the trail. We kept up as we approached obstacles laid out on the trail and executed them perfectly. By the time we got to the end of the trail we had completed a three-mile run and we were panting and I knew we had to look comical with our tongue lolling out the side of our mouth as we flopped down onto the cool grass to catch our breath. I observed Lorenzo and the warriors were communicating by mind link that I would soon be able to do after tonight. I watched as they shifted back and Bourne allowed me to shift back thrilled that we got to run with them. I shifted back stretching out my muscles as Lorenzo tossed some shorts to me. I quickly put them on sensing that I was going to be a bit sore later from the run. I was sixteen years old most wolves were able to shift at age twelve so I was going through some growth spurts as well.

"You did good at keeping up with us today, I'm rather impressed with your speed and agility that you and your wolf possess," said Lorenzo as he stretched out his legs.

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