Hiding My Heart

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Lily Collins (Deidre Johnson) ------->

My life changed the night before my sister's wedding. It was a typical Friday night; I was in my room working on my homework. I sat on my bed wearing sweats and a tank top, surrounded by books and notebook paper. My auburn hair was pulled up on the side of my head in a messy bun, my face clear of any makeup, my dorky blocky glasses on my face. 

This was my Friday night. Boring I know, but it was safe. The only time I would leave my room on a Friday night is when my friends had to literally drag me out of it. Most of the time they would drag me to the movies, the mall or even the bowling alley. But lately they've been going to clubs, and as much as I love them I wasn't willingly going with them.  

Going to clubs is what I avoided most. I don't want some guy buying me drinks and hoping to get lucky. I don't want guys grinding on me on the dance floor and trying to sneak a peek or get his feel. I don't want them touching me, it brought back bad memories, memories that I safety locked away and buried them deep. 

The doorbell rang throughout the house, announcing we had visitors. 

"I got it." I yelled jumping out of my bed and running towards the front door, tripping over my feet to get to it. 

"Slow down kid, there's no need for you to break your neck." My brother yelled from the living room. 

I just laughed his comment off and pulled the door open. Scott and Sasha stood on the other side of the door with their twin smiles flashing my way. My laughter faded as I looked away from their smiles and to their clothes. 

Scott was wearing ripped jeans that hung low around his hips and a black fitted shirt that showed of his perfectly sculpted muscles. His brown hair was a sexy mess, his blue eyes showing amusement and his lips pulled up into his famous smirk. 

Sasha on the other hand was in a short red dress that showed off her curves perfectly. The dress seemed to cling to her as if it was painted onto her skin. Her brown hair fell over her shoulders in elegant waves. Unlike her twin brother, her eyes were green and lit up with mischief. Her hands were placed behind her back, obscuring from my view.  

"Hey guys." I muttered feeling self-conscious in my sweats and a tank. 

"You're not ready at all!" Sasha complained her full lips pulling into a pout. 

"I was informed we were staying in tonight and watching a movie. Blame your idiot of a twin brother." I grumbled folding my arms over my chest. 

She just sighed and walked around me into the house, not even bothering giving me a hug. Scott chuckled at the face I was making and pulled me up into a hug. 

I didn't pull away like I normally would have if a guy touched me. I didn't fear Scott, I trusted him, he would never hurt me. He was my protector; he would always be there for me. He was the only one I allowed to touch me, well him and my brother. 

"Come on!" Sasha complained, already halfway to my room. I sighed and gave Scott a parting smile and followed Sasha to my room. 

"Sasha, do I have to?" I complained as I shut the door. "I can't go out tonight."  

"Oh stop fussing, we are going out tonight and that's final. You will enjoy yourself tonight." She said hands on her hips and glared at me. When I made no attempt to complain further she dumped a bag full of clothes on top of my homework. 

"The new teen club opens tonight and we are going. No if's, and's or but's." She said, "And since you got rid of all your cute clothes and downgraded to the emo, homeless look I graciously decided to let you borrow some of mine." 

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