{Baton Rouge Louisiana}
|Logan Jackson Mathew~Dula|
Excuse any mistakes
"Oh yeah and I met a girl." I chuckled licking my lips leaning against my mothers grave stone."She such a good soul momma you really would have loved her, she so goofy and maneeee momma she beautiful."
"She beautiful without even trying." I smiled to myself.
"It's like... it's more then sex or looks she really my dawg, we like best friends before anything." I rubbed my hands down my face.
"I don't know how I got attached to her so fast but it's scary."
"Whenever I see or think about her I get this ache in my heart, it's not a bad ache tho, I- I can't even put it into words mane." I blew out a breath before sitting in a silence looking around.
"I miss you." I bit the inside of my cheek to refrain myself from crying.
"Chloe acts just like you." I chuckled shaking my head. "The way she walk, the way she dance off rhythm, it's like you still here with us threw her." I sniffed giving up and letting my tears come out.
"I wish you could be here tomorrow for my first senior football game." I sniffed looking down playing with the grass.
"Shit not fair." I shook my head running my hands down my face.
I stood up and dusted my pants off.
"I love you ma." I sniffed kissing the grave stone and walking back to my car.
I felt the wind start blowing making me smile.
"Peanuttttt." I smiled walking in her room.
"Huh." She looked at me and put her phone behind her back.
"What chu was doing." I scrunched my face up walking closer to her.
"Lemme see your phone."
"Why you hiding it?"
"I'm not."
I walked towards her and snatched It out her hand.
"Ranada." I looked at her and she busted out laughing.
"I was tryna learn how to suck dick, gimme my phone." She laughed snatching it out my hand.
"Why gay niggas tho?" I laughed taking my shoes off and closing her door back.
"Causeee them niggas know what they doing." She goofily smiled at me and I shook my head.
"You goofy as hell son." I laughed laying down and grabbing her remote turning on paw patrol.