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Shoto Todoroki's morning was hectic to say the least.

Shoto was awoken by a strange pain in his lower abdomen. He first tried to ignore it, assuming it was just a cramp from sleeping the wrong way, but as the pain got more intense, the dual haired male found it nearly impossible to sleep.

Begrudgingly, Shoto moved himself from the comfort of his extremely soft bed. The tired disheveled male walks towards the restroom, rubbing the painful area.

When Shoto entered the bathroom and flicked on the light, nearly blinding himself in the process. Sighing softly, Shoto lifted his shirt. The male wanted to see if he had gotten a new bruise from training with his father or training at school.

To his surprise it wasn't a bruise that was awaiting him, but a slightly faded mark right above his belly button.

Shoto felt all the blood rush from his already pale face as he stared at the mark on his stomach.

The mark on his abdomen symbolized his secondary gender. The crescent moon surrounded by an array of different flowers made Shoto's heart drop. Is Shoto seeing things?

"An...omega?" Shoto muttered, suddenly feeling extremely sick.

There was no way Shoto was a male omega. There hasn't been one for over twenty years! How could he be an omega? The only omegas in his family were his sister and his mother. There was no way Shoto was an omega, male omegas are extremely rare.

"No...no no no no! Fuck!" Shoto cursed a little too loudly. He had completely forgotten about his own birthday. Sad but true, the male was used to not celebrating it so it was just another day to him.

Shoto began to pace back and forth in the bathroom, muttering profanities under his breath. His constant stomping and muttering like his best friend Izuku Midoriya had caught his older sister's attention.

Fuyumi made her way slowly towards the bathroom where her panicking brother was located. The girl's hair was an unruly mess and she was rubbing her eyes, having forgotten her glasses on her night stand.

She leaned against the door frame and strained her eyes to see her nervous looking younger brother.

Shoto, still having not noticing his sister, was still pacing and muttering not realizing how much noise he was making.

"Shoto..." Fuyumi mumbled. She felt her annoyance spike as her brother ignored her and continued to mutter.

"Shoto!" She yelled, slamming her fist against the wall. Yelping, the dual quirk user jumped and turned to stare wide eyed at his glaring sister.

"What's wrong?" He asked dumbly. Fuyumi huffed and crossed her arms.

"I should be asking you that. What happened?" She asked, giving her brother a glare even though the worry was evident in her blue green eyes.

Shoto gave his older sister a panicked look, not really knowing what to say, he only quietly pulled his shirt up to reveal the mark on his stomach. Fuyumi looked at him confused, that was until her eyes dropped and she stared at the very familiar mark. The one she had right above her right breast.

She looked at her younger brother with wide worried eyes. All omegas have the same symbol on a random part of their until they are marked and mated.

"You're a..." Fuyumi felt fear rise in the pits of her stomach and she began to shake. The smell of fear mixed with her sugary sweet scent as the thoughts of what her father might do to her little brother ran through her head.

"Fuyumi, calm down you might wake Natsuo." Just as Shoto mentioned the middle child's name he burst into the bathroom. Being an alpha, his senses were heightened and the overwhelming smell of fear and nervousness emitting from the two omegas made Natsuo jump out of bed, determined to protect his younger brother and older sister.

"What the fuck is going on?" Natsuo hissed, his quirk activating and ice slowly made its way to his pale skin.

"Nothing Natsuo! Calm down!" Fuyumi yelped, knowing that because Shoto was extremely new to being an omega, his older brother's strong anger filled pheromones would send the dual haired omega into an immediate submission and he would cower. It had happened to Fuyumi herself when Natsuo had gotten angry at their father once.

Natsu looked at his wide eyed brother and then down to his sitter who was currently trying to shove him out of the restroom and he immediately got what was happening.

"I-I'm so sorry! I thought something was happening! I didn't mean to scare you Sho!" He yelled, stepping out of the once crowded bathroom and pressed himself against the wall.

Shoto was surprised at how quickly his brother had gotten what was happening. Let's just say, Natsuo wasn't the smartest guy out there and it sort of shocked both omegas when their brother knew what was going on almost immediately.

"It's okay.." Shoto muttered, rubbing his arm. The pain was becoming dull. Shoto assumed the pain was the mark embedding itself into Shoto's once clear skin.

Shoto sighed and shook his head.

"What am I supposed to do?" He muttered, more to himself then his siblings.

"I don't know Sho..." Fuyumi whispered, coming towards her much taller younger brother. She wrapped her arms around his waist and sighed deeply.

"I'm so sorry Shoto." She mumbled. Natsuo slowly made his way into the bathroom, eyeing his siblings. Shoto gave his brother a soft smile, a rare sight to see on the usually stoic male. Natsuo smiles back and wraps his arms around his two smaller siblings.

"Why are my younger brothers taller then me?" Fuyumi mumbled. Natsuo erupted into laughter and Shoto only shook his head, chuckling softly.

Shoto smiled, happy with the small moment, knowing that this happy moment would be ruined when their father arrived from his business trip in just a few hours.

"Come on you two, it's two thirty, let's go back to bed." Fuyumi tried to push Natsuo away from her, she was getting uncomfortable being sandwiched between her two siblings.

Natsuo laughed again and let them both go. His smile fell and his face turned serious, "Shoto, if that old bastard starts anything, call me. I have to go meet Hamari but I'll be back the second I get your call alright?"

Shoto nodded, knowing he wasn't going to bother his brother and his mate. He could handle his father by himself.

"Okay Natsuo. Tell Hamari I said hello." Shoto gave his sister a peck on the cheek before heading to his room.

Once the door shut behind him Shoto groaned. He knew as well as his siblings did that Shoto was never going to hear the end of him being an omega. Knowing his father, he was probably going to try to set him up with some random guy like he attempted to do with Fuyumi.

"I'm screwed..." Shoto mumbled, taking a deep shaking breath. "Royally screwed."

-I kinda like this writing style, what about you? I wrote more then usual using third person-Omega Shoto is bae🥰-The tattoo description was shit[Edited]

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-I kinda like this writing style, what about you? I wrote more then usual using third person
-Omega Shoto is bae🥰
-The tattoo description was shit

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