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Shoto was finally able to slip into his room after convicting Isabella not to tell anyone he was pregnant.

Now he lay on his bed, not feeling comfortable in the house anymore. He felt like an outlier, someone who was just in the way. Shoto knew it was late, but he had to call his sister. He knew that if he called Natsuo his brother would freak out and would probably drive here in the middle of the night.

His phone rang for a while, he at first thought that his sister wouldn't answer but soon she picked up.

"Hello?" She said groggily.

"Fuyumi.." Shoto breathed, tears filling his eyes at the sound of his older sister's voice.

She could tell something was wrong, she could hear it in his voice. It sounded like he had been crying. Her brother was no crybaby. Hell, he hardly cried at all. It worried her, why would he be crying? Is he hurt?

"Shoto what happened?" Fuyumi asked, whispering so that she wouldn't wake Rumi who was sleeping soundly next to her.

Shoto shakily explained the events of that night. The more Shoto rambled, the more Fuyumi's anger and concern rose.

"Fuyumi I don't want to be here anymore! Please can you come get me?" Shoto's words were mixed with sobs and hicks.

Fuyumi shushed her brother, "It's okay Shoto, I'll come get you in the morning."

Shoto thanked his sister before saying their goodbyes and hanging up. Shoto placed his phone on the changer and stood up to pack his things. He placed his bag by the door so he could leave without problems.

Shoto then went back to his bed to sleep. He laid down and rubbed his belly softly. He sighed quietly.

He was feeling a rush of different emotions. He was a mix of sad, angry and happy. The happy part being his inner omega more than himself.

His inner omega was ecstatic, it was happy it was carrying a child. Shoto was conflicted, he didn't know what he wanted to do with the baby.

Having an abortion was out of the question. Abortions were dangerous for male omegas, their bodies were more complicated then a females.

But he didn't think he wanted to keep the baby. Shoto really didn't know if he was going to be a good parent. Shoto was conflicted. If he did want to give the baby up, he'd have to tell Katsuki. He definitely wasn't sure if he wanted to do that. Maybe when he couldn't hide it anymore, he'd tell him.

Shoto tossed and turned, sleep was not finding him. He couldn't sleep. Annoyed, he huffed and sat back up.

Shoto grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He found the one he was looking for and pressed the call button.

He picked up immediately.

"Hello?" Yo said with his usual chipper voice.

"Hey Shindo." Shoto muttered. Yo was surprised to hear the omega's voice.

"Heya Shoto, how's it going?" Yo adjusted himself in his seat and removed his headset.

"Terrible." Shoto said with a sad laugh. Yo was worried and questioned the omega.

Shoto told some of the events, not all of them. He mentioned he was pregnant and that he found Katsuki with another girl. He told Yo that he didn't know what he wanted to do with the baby and he was thinking about giving it away. By the end of Shoto's rant Yo was growling softly.

"That asshole." He growled, throwing his controller on his bed.

Shoto sighed softly and shook his head, "Maybe I should've just gone with the marriage contract. This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been so stubborn."

"Don't say that," Yo started, a sad smile forming on his face. "I realize now that what our parents were trying to do was fucked up. Plus, he might be an asshole, but he really did change you. When I first met you, you never smiled or laughed but now you're like a completely different person."

Shoto's breath hitched and he let Yo continue, "And I'm not saying you should give him a second chance but you should at least let him meet the kid. It might just be me, but I think you should keep the baby. They deserve to have both of their parents in their life."

Shoto took a shaking deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. "Y-Yeah."

Yo and Shoto talked until morning. He really felt better talking to the black haired alpha. It was only when someone knocked on the door did Shoto finally realize how early it was.

"Ah, I have to go Yo. Talk to you later." Yo gave a groggy goodbye and they hung up.

Shoto stood up and stretched out his tense muscles. He rolled his neck before walking towards his door.

When he pulled it open and was surprised to see his sister and Isabella standing there.

"Oh, Fuyumi, you're here early-" He was cut off by his sister wrapping her arms around him, nearly knocking the wind out of him.

She wrapped her arms tightly around him, "are you okay?"

Shoto shrugged and hugged his sister back. "I'm fine."

Isabella stood idly by, giving a small smile to Shoto. The siblings separated and Shoto said he was going to change. Isabella nodded and led Fuyumi back to the living room to talk.

Shoto pulled off his pajamas and went over to his bag. His bicolored eyes landed on a familiar jacket. Katsuki's dark red jacket that he had taken a month earlier.

Shoto thought about leaving it there, but soon changed his mind and slipped it on along with some black jeans. He zipped his bag back up and went to the bathroom to fix his hair and wash his face.

Shoto was almost finished when someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"I'll be out in a minute!" Shoto called, wiping his face and sighing. He fixed the small mess he made and pulled the door open.

When he met a familiar set of eyes he felt his stomach drop. Katsuki stared down at him with a blank look. No scowl, nothing. He just stared. It sort of creeped the omega out.

"Oh. Excuse me Bakugo." Shoto spoke with a bland voice. He moved around the alpha, ignoring the shocks that spread through his body as his hand brushed the alpha's.

Shoto went back to his room and grabbed his bag before going to meet his sister in the living room. She and Isabella were speaking quietly when he walked in.

"Are you ready Shoto?" Fuyumi asked when she saw he had entered. He nodded and the two said goodbye to Isabella. She smiled and said her goodbyes giving Shoto a tight hug.

"Hey, I'm going to be here with you throughout this entire pregnancy. If you don't have anyone, you have me." Isabella whispered in his ear as she squeezed him. Shoto nodded, thanking her tearfully.

Isabella watched from the door as the two got into the car and drove off. She turned around when they were out of sight. She shut the door behind her and sighed softly.

"I hope he'll be okay." She murmured, glancing back at the door.

-I'm just tryna get to the end at this point🥳🤷‍♂️

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-I'm just tryna get to the end at this point🥳🤷‍♂️

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