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Shoto didn't sleep much the rest of the night. He tossed and turned, nervous for what was to come. Him, being born into a strong line of alpha males made everyone naturally expect that Shoto was going to be an alpha. Him being an omega would come as a shock to everyone.

Finally, the scream of his alarm made the male roll over and shut it off with a soft, barely audible, sigh. Shoto sat up and started to prepare for the day.

He silently hoped that he could get out before his father returned and questioned him. He quickly took a short shower, changed his clothes and tamed his hair before snatching his backpack from the floor and flying downstairs. He just barely gave his sister a good morning before he ran to the door and pulled his shoes on.

Just as Shoto tied his shoe the door opened. Shoto felt his stomach drop. The booming footsteps of his father struck fear into the small omega's body.

"Shoto. Come here." Came his father's gruff voice. Shoto stood from where the family kept there shoes and he sulked into the kitchen.

"Yes father?" Shoto whispered, looking into his father's eyes, albeit reluctantly. He noticed Fuyumi cowering in the corner, her phone in hand.

"Tell me. What is your mark?" His father asked blandly, even though the look on his face said it was clear he didn't have to ask. Shoto's eyes fell to the ground.

"I...I uh.." Shoto was sweating bullets, he felt like dying, crying and burying himself in a hole all at once.

"Shoto." The dual haired omega jumped and looked at his father again.

"I'm an..omega father." Shoto nearly had a heart attack at the rage that filled his father's turquoise eyes.

"A fucking what?" His father asked, his voice hard and filled with malice. Shoto took a step back and looked nervously at his father, his eyes flickering towards his sister for a quick moment.

"I uh, I'm an omega." The newly announced omega felt the breath leave his lungs and he crashed to the floor as an unexpected blow was sent to his stomach.

Fuyumi let out a horrified scream and shakily tried to dail her middle brother's phone number.

Shoto lay on the floor, writhing in pain. Shoto let out a pain fill whine and curled up into a ball. Of course, Shoto was strong for an omega, but getting punched unexpectedly and by a man twenty times stronger then him did a number on his body.

Shoto felt bile rise in his throat and he quickly flipped over and tired to scurry to the trash can nearby. Unfortunately, his father had different plans as this action earned Shoto a hard kick to the back.

Shoto cried out, his quirk beginning to go haywire. Random burst of flames erupted from Shoto's right side and shards of sharp ice began to sprout from the ground around his left. 

"You useless piece of shit!" His father yelled, blinded by rage. He had the perfect child with the perfect quirk. All that was ruined because he was an omega.

"A usless fucking omega!" The red haired alpha bellowed just barely missing Shoto's ankle as he slammed his foot to the ground.

Before more screaming could pursue a loud growl ripped through the air. Enji stopped and glared behind him where his middle sone stood with and snarl on his face.

"What the fuck do you thing you're doing old man!?" Natsuo bellowed, flashing his canines at his father. Natsuo's grey irises were now a deep black, something that usually happens to alphas when they get overwhelmed by any emotion.

"Mind your fucking business you disgrace." Enji growled, flashing his canines as well. Shoto took the distraction as a chance and he bolted to the trash can and emptied out his stomach. Fuyumi ran towards her younger brother sobbing and telling him everything was going to be okay.

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