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Shoto groaned softly as Katsuki massaged his lower back. A string of purrs slipped from the male as he subconsciously arched his back.

"Your body is so stiff..." Katsuki's eyes wandered down to the omega's rear end. Damn those shorts.

A soft satisfied moan slipped from the males mouth and he rolled over.

"Thanks for that Bakugo. My back was killing me." Shoto stretched, lifting himself from Katsuki's bed. He glanced at the blonde, seeing as his face was cherry red.

"What's wrong?" Shoto asked, stretching out his arms and neck.

"Nothin' screw off." Katsuki muttered, covering his face with his hand. Shoto shrugged and plopped back down in the bed next to the alpha. Katsuki groaned and glanced down at the omega.

Shoto was wearing one of his personal favorite hoodies that Katsuki wouldn't let him take.

"What is up with you and my clothes?" Katsuki asked, glaring at the omega on his bed.

"I didn't want to wear my gym clothes all day. Your clothes are comfy." Shoto pulled the hood over her head and grinned at the male in front of him.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and huffed. "Whatever, what do you want to watch?" Shoto thought for a moment before speaking,

"Can we watch Netflix?" Shoto asked, tilting his head.

"Uhm yeah?" Shoto squealed and took the remote from Katsuki's hand. He opened the app and immediately found what he was looking for.

"High School Musical? Really? What are you? A teenage g-" Shoto shushed Katsuki and pressed play.

They ended up watching all three of the High School Musical movies. The entire time was filled with Shoto singing softly or loudly. He even burst into tears at one point, making Katsuki have to pause and calm the omega down.

That's how Shoto ended up in Katsuki's lap, still fully invested in the third movie.

It was way past curfew by the time the movie was over. Shoto was supposed to be in his dorm by now but he didn't want to go. He'd much rather stay with Katsuki.

Shoto flipped himself around, still sitting in Katsuki's lap. He purred and nuzzled Katsuki's neck, nipping at the skin just above his scent glands.

Katsuki sighed and rubbed Shoto's shoulder. "You have to go back to your dorm."

Shoto shook his head and pulled Katsuki closer. He pouted and whined, definitely not wanting to leave anymore. He was comfortable.

Shoto moved so that he could look into Katsuki's ruby red eyes. The older male brushed a strand of the multicolored hair out of the omega's face.

"Did I ever tell you how pretty your eyes looked?" Shoto asked, smiling softly at the now blushing male.

"Hah? Shut up. You're the one with the pretty eyes." Katsuki grumbled. Shoto smiled, liking that he was able to embarrass the alpha.

They sat in almost complete silence, the only sounds being their breathing and the hum of the air conditioner.

"Hey." Shoto jumped, not expecting Katsuki to speak so suddenly.

"Yeah?" Shoto moved so that he was sitting up in the male's arms.

"You still haven't told me what that fight between you and Abigail was. The first day they came here too. What's all that about?" Katsuki looked genuinely curious.

Shoto went stiff, he had slightly hoped that Katsuki had forgotten about all of that. This made Shoto nervous and he started to pick at the bandages on his arm.

"Well huh....I got..jealous.." Shoto muttered the last part so quietly that Katsuki didn't hear what he said.

"Huh? What did you say?" Katsuki placed his finger under Shoto's chin and forced the omega to look into his eyes.

"Nothing." Shoto muttered, deciding to keep his pride and not repeating himself.

Katsuki growled, "Omega." He said in a warning tone, not exactly using his alpha's voice. Yet.

Shoto shook his head and tried to pull away. To this, Katsuki placed his hand firmly on Shoto's hips, keeping him in place.

"Omega. Tell me now." Katsuki demanded, drawing a loud whimper from the omegan male in his lap.

"I was jealous, okay! Abigail said if she won she'd take you from me and I got jealous!" Shoto's eyes filled with tears, his hormones were still all over the place.

Katsuki stared at Shoto's in shock. He had never seen this stoic and sting male break down like this. Shoto was sobbing at this point, he was embarrassed and upset that he couldn't stop the tears which brought on more frustrated tears.

Katsuki sighed and cupped Shoto's cheeks. "Don't cry please." Shoto sniffled again and rubbed his eyes.

The blonde brushed away the omega's tears and kissed the area right under his eyes. Katsuki released calming pheromones, attempting to slow the omega's tears.

Shoto put his head on Katsuki's shoulder, humming quietly.

"You remember when I said you were my fated?" Katsuki asked. Shoto nodded and sat back up.

"That means I won't leave you. Ever. Even if she would've won, I still wouldn't leave you." Katsuki gave Shoto a smile.

Shoto's heart fluttered and his cheeks turned rosey. He took notice to how close they were.

So close.

But not close enough.

They slowly connected their lips. A wave of shocks, stronger than any that had ever happened between the two, rushed throughout their bodies.

Their lips moved in sync, their bodies fit together perfectly. Their tongues swirled and danced around each other. Shoto's hands traveled up Katsuki's back and rested in his hair, pulling the alpha closer.

The desperation was evident in the kiss. But so was all of their unspoken emotions, their frustrations, their love, hate, anger, everything. It was all shared in one kiss.

After what seemed like forever but in reality was just a few blissful minutes they pulled away, Shoto slipped from Katsuki's arms and fell back onto the bed. They both were gasping and panting, faces red, eyes wide.

Shoto's lips were swollen and red, saliva ran down his chin from the corner of his mouth. His bicolored eyes shone with tears and his chest was rising and falling slowly. He was a beautiful mess.

Katsuki's hair was disheveled and he was breathing heavily. His eyes were three shades darker then normal as he started at the mess of an omega in front of him.

Shoto pulled himself up with a whimper, Katsuki's gaze made his belly tingle. A smirk formed on Katsuki's face.

"Come here my sweet omega."

-Sorry to disappoint, but ya boy can't write smut

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-Sorry to disappoint, but ya boy can't write smut.
-I might do the smallest bit of it in later chapters. Maybe. Maybe not. Idk.

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