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Shoto was leaning against the gates of U.A, Katsuki had informed him that Denki, Eijirou, and the twins would be coming along for the Full Moon Ball thing he was talking about weeks earlier. Katsuki was tasked with making sure they were actually ready.

Shoto told Katsuki he would be going for a walk and would stop by a cafe nearby for a bit before heading back.

The red and white haired male was looking at his phone, having received a text from Izuku about his whereabouts and they discussed their plans. He was so distracted that he didn't notice a certain black haired male walking towards him.

"Hey Shoto!" Yo chirped, happy to see the omega again.

Shoto's head shot up and he looked at the alpha. "Oh..Shindo, what are you doing here?"

Yo chuckled and shook his head, "Wow, so cold. I don't get a hello? No good to see you again?"

Shoto narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrow, placing his phone in his back pocket. "Hello, now what are you doing here?"

Yo laughed once more before speaking, "I was running errands for my mom when I saw you."

Shoto nodded, checking his watch. Katsuki should be there in another hour or so. He might as well head to the cafe.

"Well, I'm going to go. It was nice seeing you again." Shoto turned in the direction of the coffee shop and began walking.

He was aware that Yo was following him. Shoto sighed and turned, startling the taller male.

"What?" Shoto breathed, annoyance evident in his voice. Yo's face turned light pink and he looked away.

"Well, I was wondering if I could take you out." Shoto sighed once more, about to deny his request but he was interrupted by Yo speaking again.

"Not like that! I mean, like as friends? You know, just have some fun?" Yo spluttered, waving his hands and attempting to cover his bright red face. His actions made Shoto think of his green haired friend.

"Uhm, sure. I was heading to the cafe downtown." Shoto muttered, turning to walk again. This time, Yo walked next to Shoto instead of behind him.

The walk was oddly peaceful, Yo would make small talk and Shoto would answer when he felt comfortable.

Shoto started to realize how funny Yo actually was. Yo noticed how easy it was to make Shoto laugh when he was comfortable.

"You did not!" Shoto laughed, covering his mouth to stop himself from spitting out his drink.

Yo laughed a bit too loudly and instantly covered his mouth. "I told you it was an accident! I tripped and pushed him!"

"Down a flight of stairs!" Shoto snorted, the noise surprised the both of them and they fell silent. They looked at each other before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"You snorted!" Yo cackled. Shoto stuck his tongue out at him.

"Whatever! Shut up!" Shoto giggled. The omega took a sip of his drink.

His neck itched. The collar and a turtleneck weren't a good match. He moved the neck of his sweater and fiddled with the collar, revealing a few of the hickeys on his neck.

"Jeez, where'd you get those?" Yo asked, leaning in to investigate.

"Hmm? Oh these.." Shoto's face turned red and he looked away. He adjusts his clothes before smiling at Yo.

"Uhm...it's a bit. Uh, personal." Shoto felt his phone buzz in his pocket and reached to grab it.

He smiled as a familiar name flashed on his screen. "I'll be back." Shoto said before standing up and pressing the green accept button.

He walked out of the cafe so he wouldn't disturb anyone. "Hello?"

"Hey IcyHot, where are you?" Katsuki asked on the other line.

"I'm at the cafe down the street from the school. Should I head back now?" Shoto messed with the ends of his sleeve.

"It's fine, stay where you are I'll come get you." Shoto said that was okay and hung up before heading back inside the cafe.

As he approached the table he and Yo were sitting he noticed the black haired male looked upset.

"What's wrong Shindo?" Shoto asked when he was close enough.

"Nothing, I have to go." With that, Yo stood up and pushed past the confused Shoto.

Just as Yo was exiting, Katsuki was entering. They bumped into one another, and stared. Almost in sync they let out low growls before going in opposite directions.

Katsuki walked towards the still very confused Shoto and grunted, his face starting to resemble that of a pouting child after being denied a piece of candy.

"What's wrong?" Shoto asked, placing his smaller hand on Katsuki's bicep.

"What was he doing here?" Katsuki asked, his pout deepening. Shoto giggled and pinched Katsuki's cheek drawing a growl from the older male.

"Awww! Is the baby jealous?" Shoto cooed as if he was talking to a small child.

"Oh fuck off and bring your ass." Katsuki grumbled, grabbing Shoto's wrist and started to drag him away.

"Hey, I have to get my jacket and I want that drink!" Shoto whined, pulling away. Katsuki huffed but nodded, letting the male go.

Shoto quickly grabbed his things and followed Katsuki out to his parents car. The two were standing, Mitsuki leaning against the vehicle talking quietly with her husband when the two approached.

Mitsuki turned around and her eyes immediately landed on Shoto making the male squirm a bit.

"Wow brat, you really got yourself a pretty one." Mitsuki mumbled to herself, surprised that her brat of a son could get someone as handsome as Shoto.

Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes. "Fuck off old lady." Those words earned him a smack from both Shoto and his mother.

"Ow! What the fuck!?" Katsuki yelled.

"Don't cuss at me you little shit!" Katsuki's mother screamed. Marasu placed his hand on his wife's shoulder, sending a calming rush throughout her body. She relaxed a bit but kept glaring at her son.

"You shouldn't talk to your mother like that Bakugo." Shoto said quietly.

Mitsuki's mood did a complete one eighty and she smiled brightly at Shoto.

"I'm sorry for that, I'm Mitsuki Bakugo, pleasure to meet you." She held out her hand which Shoto took.

"Shoto Todoroki, nice to meet you too." Mitsuki smiled and Shoto shared a smile.

"Ah, I'm Marasu Bakugo." Shoto also shook Katsuki's father's hand.

"Well then, let's get on the road!" Mitsuki said happily.

-And that's another chapter done✅ -I'm finally getting closer to the end, I'm way past my 14k word goal😂

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-And that's another chapter done
-I'm finally getting closer to the end, I'm way past my 14k word goal😂

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