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Shoto slipped into his home at six in the morning. He tiredly kicked off his shoes and started to remove the top to his hero suit. He started walking as quietly through his home as possible and heading towards he and his hubby's room. He stopped by his son's room, seeing that the toddler wasn't in there he turned to go back to his room.

Shoto felt his heart flutter as he slipped into the bedroom. His mate lay asleep with their son, Ren Bakugo. Shoto really didn't want his son to have his last name, he didn't want Ren to have to deal with what Shoto had to deal with. He still gets asked if he is Ex-Pro Hero Endeavors' son. Annoying.

Shoto had just gotten back from late night patrol. Being number three hero was exhausting and because Katsuki was the number two hero, they hardly had time to be together.

Luckily, their off days finally aligned and they could spread time with their son.

Shoto slipped into the bathroom to take a quick shower and freshen up before he slipped into bed with the two. Shoto had gotten out of the shower and threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt Isabella had gotten him that said 'New Mommy' he liked the shirt even though he didn't like being called mommy.

Shoto was finishing up and was pulling his hair into a ponytail, he saw two familiar faces in the mirror.

Shoto turned, beaming at the two loves of his life. Katsuki walked over to the omega and kissed his forehead, handing their son to him.

"Hey love.." Shoto whispered, moving so that he could capture the alpha's lips in a quick but sweet kiss.

The blonde toddler in his arms got annoyed at his parents and the lack of attention so he let out a loud whine. Shoto separated from his hubby and peppered kisses all over his son's chubby face.

Ren giggled, flailing slightly. "Mama noooo!" Ren squealed. Shoto stopped and smiled at his three year old.

Katsuki laughed and wrapped his arms around Shoto's waist. "You wanna go lay down? I'll watch Ren." Shoto leaned back onto his alpha and shook his head.

"No...I want to spend time with my boys." Shoto leaned his head back and smiled up at Katsuki.

"You've been up all night Sho." Katsuki said as they walked out of the bathroom. Shoto shook his head, he was indeed tired but he wanted to stay up with his family.

"Mama! Mama!" Ren yelled, accidentally hitting Shoto in the face. Shoto hissed, not expecting not ready to be hit. The dual haired omega grabbed Ren's hand and gave his a soft glare, still scaring the piss out of the small child.

"Ren. Don't hit me." Shoto said in his usual cold voice. Ren's blue eyes went wide and tears made his light blue irises look glassy.

Shoto's eyes widened as well and he immediately began to try and sooth the small child. Katsuki stifled a laugh by covering his mouth. He still received an over the shoulder glare from his mate.

Ren began to sob, thinking he was in trouble. Shoto started to freak out slightly and Katsuki finally decided to intervene.

The blonde took Ren from his omega's arms and rocked the child softly. Ren has always been a daddy's boy, Shoto thinks it's because Katsuki used to talk to Ren when he was till in Shoto's womb every time he got home. It was funny and cute, Shoto still has videos of his mate having one sided conversations with their unborn son.

For Ren, just being around his father made him calm down slightly. Now instead of sobbing, he was sniffling and rubbing his eyes with his tiny fist

Shoto huffed in relief and wrapped his arms around Katsuki's shoulders. He placed a kiss on the bite mark on the back of Katsuki's neck.

"I'm sorry Ren," Shoto gave his son a guilty look. He genuinely didn't mean to make his son cry.

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