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Shoto was pacing back and forth. He had looked up a few things and found out it takes two to three weeks for someone to get pregnant. That explains a lot.

Shoto decided he would tell Katsuki first then tell Yaoyorozu and his siblings.

Once he had completely formulated a plan, he smiled and decided to head towards Katsuki's room.

As he approached, he heard what sounded like moaning. He raised his eyebrows but didn't question it, a few other people were in their rooms around Katsuki's as well.

Shoto placed his hand on the doorknob, the moaning growing louder. He felt his heart squeeze and his breath began to slow.

Shoto carefully opened the door and his eyes went as wide as dinner plates. He stared at Kaori and Katsuki.

The blonde was littering her neck with hickeys and Kaori was sitting in his lap, pulling his head closer to her neck.

Shoto felt sick, he tired to back away unnoticed but he nearly tripped over his own feet. He squealed and caught his balance. Kaori looked up, her eyes went wide and she tried to push Katsuki away and he let her move away.

"Oh my god.." She whispered, Katsuki turned and his face went pale.

"Todoroki I-" Shoto didn't want to hear it. He turned and ran. He ignored the yells for him to come back as he rushed back to his room.

Shoto burst into his room, locking the door behind him. Shoto fell onto his bed and began to sob.

He cried and clutched his stomach. His tears rolled down his cheeks and his body shook violently.

"I-I'm sorry l-little one.." Shoto whispered, rubbing his stomach softly.

"It looks like it's just going to be me and you for a w-while." Shoto mumbled, closing his eyes weakly.

He was almost asleep when someone started to bang on his door.

Shoto sat up slowly and groaned. Soon the banging was followed by yelling and the sound of tiny explosions going off.

Shoto stood and stumbled towards the door, the conversation becoming more clear.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT!?" That sounded like Isabella.

"That's so unmanly dude!" Eijirou yelled.

"Fuck I know! Just...let me talk to him!" Katsuki yelled, regret and desperation in his voice.

"No fuck you Bakugo! Todoroki is great! He's best thing that's ever fucking happened to you and you cheat on him!? Do you know how much he loves you!? You don't deserve him! He deserves so much more then you! You arrogant bastard!" Denki screamed, shoving Katsuki back. The taller blonde didn't bother to fight back. He knew he was in the wrong.

Shoto covered his mouth and stomach. He felt sick. He was about to throw up.

Shoto ripped the door open after struggling with the lock. He ignored them and rushed towards the bathroom.

He didn't have time to shut the door, he fell to his knees and began to dump his guts and everything he had eaten earlier in the night, into the porcelain bowl.

Shoto was a sobbing mess when he finally stopped dry heaving. His body was shaking and he felt too weak to move.

He didn't even care about the group rushing into or in front of the bathroom.

Isabella dropped next to him, doing what he had done an hour earlier to calm her down. She cooed at him and massaged his back and rubbed her hands through his hair.

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