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Shoto continued to whimper and let out a string of pathetic cries as he tried to get the angered alpha to calm down.

"Bakugo snap out of it!" Shoto cried. Katsuki had moved from pinning the omega against the wall to angrily pacing.

Shoto could've ran but instead he stayed, not wanting to leave the angered alpha alone or leaving a poor soul to face his wrath.

Katsuki cursed quietly, muttering all the ways he could kill Neito and make it look like an accident. Shoto couldn't stop the flow of tears coming from his eyes as he stared at the alpha.

"Please! Katsuki please!" Shoto cried desperately. The distress and the attempts at calming pheromones mixed with the sound of despair running through Shoto's voice made some part of Katsuki's come back to the surface.

His black eyes met Shoto's bright, teary ones and he felt guilt rise in the pits of his stomach.

Shoto watched in somewhat of relief as Katsuki's eyes lighted to a deep maroon. A look of guilt crossed Katsuki's face as he stared at his omega.

"I'm sorry..." Katsuki muttered, Shoto was probably the only person he's ever apologized to.

A soft smile formed on the omega's lips, he had his alpha back. His alpha. Katsuki's eyes lightened significantly as the smile made its way onto Shoto's lips.

Shoto carefully approached Katsuki's figure, not wanting to piss the alpha off again. Katsuki took a step back, not trusting himself to be near Shoto. The one thing that the alpha feared was himself. And he was scared he would hurt the omega.

"Katsuki? Are you okay now?" Shoto took another cautious step towards the alpha.

Katsuki's eyes lowered and he shrugged. "I don't know...'M fine." The blonde murmured.

Shoto sighed in relief and carefully wrapped his arms around the alpha. Katsuki went stiff in Shoto's arms, but he slowly let his muscles relax.

Katsuki hummed, and laid his head on Shoto's shoulder, only to be hit by Neito's scent. Katsuki growled again and bit Shoto's slightly exposed shoulder making the omega yelp.

"You smell like him." Katsuki said, his voice almost sounding like he was pouting.

"I'm sorry.." Shoto whispered, running his fingers through Katsuki's surprisingly soft hair. Shoto couldn't help but think it was adorable that Katsuki was pouting like a child.

Katsuki seemed to like that Shoto was petting his hair that he let himself completely relax in the omega's arms. Katsuki let out a string of soft purrs that made Shoto coo.

Shoto was so distracted by Katsuki's softer side that he completely forgot that A) they were standing in the hallway, and B) Shoto was supposed to meet his friends about twenty minutes ago.

Shoto and Katsuki were so distracted they didn't notice the small group of three rushing towards them.

Izuku was the first to notice the fading tension and so he stuck his hand out and shushed the blue haired alpha who was about to speak. Tenya raised an eyebrow at Izuku but only glanced warily at the two in front of them. Ochaco grabbed her boyfriend's arm and stared at the two.

Shoto cooed one more time as the alpha nuzzled his scent glands. Katsuki nibbled over some of the hickeys Neito left on the male's skin, determined to get the other alpha's smell off of his omega.

Katsuki's teeth grazed Shoto's sweet spot, drawing a quiet moan from the male. This shocked his friends as Tenya whipped his head away from the two and Ochaco and Izuku's face bloomed bright red.

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