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Shoto slept for the rest of the class, only waking up when it was time to go to lunch. One thing no one, not even Katsuki or Yaoyorozu knew, is that Shoto was really fussy when he was tired.

"I'm tired..." Shoto whined, leaning against Katsuki as he walked. The alpha sighed softly and placed his hand on Shoto's shoulder.

"You woke up like twenty minutes ago." Katsuki said with an odd calm voice.

Shoto puffed out his cheeks and whined again. Katsuki adjusted the backpacks on his shoulder. He didn't let Shoto carry his own backpack because he had just woken up about ten minutes ago.

Shoto's hair was disheveled, a pout was on his face and his eyes were drooped. The red and white haired male continued to whine and complain about being tired the entire way to the lunch room.

"Stop being a baby, I'm going to sit with those losers, you coming?" Katsuki let his eyes wander down to the pouting omega.

"I'm going to sit with my friends...Midoriya wanted to tell me something anyway." Shoto murmured, taking his bag from Katsuki and walking towards his usual table.

As he approached, he took notice of a familiar tired looking purple haired male sitting next to a red face Izuku.

"Ah, hello Shinsou, everyone." Shoto said as he took a seat next to Ochaco.

They greeted Shoto with nothing but smiles and hellos. Ochaco had a smug look on her face as she stared at the purple and green haired male. Tsuyu was grinning with her tongue poking out slightly and Tenya had a smile on his face while Izuku was blushing furiously.

Shoto fiddled with the collar around his neck. It was extremely uncomfortable and limited his movement. At least they didn't make him wear it during training.

"What's going on?" Shoto asked, still fiddling with the collar.

Ochaco's smile widened and she raised her eyebrows at Izuku.

"Go ahead Deku-Kun. Or Shinsou can tell him." Hitoshi laughed and shook his head, his alpha mark showing as he moved.

"O-Oh well uh..Hitoshi and I are uh...mates now!" Izuku gave a bright smile, drawing a smile from Shoto. It was rare for an alpha to go for a beta, especially a male one, but at least Izuku found one to make him happy.

"Well that's great. I'm glad you found someone Midoriya."

The group talked for a while, until Denki and Isabella came up to their table.

"Hey everyone!" Isabella chirped, leaning onto the table. They all spoke and Isabella introduced herself to Hitoshi.

"Soo, Bella and I were thinking about throwing a party in the dorms Saturday!" Denki said with a wide grin.

"Oh! That sounds fun!" Ochaco said, standing up. Tenya started to disagree but stopped when Ochaco gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Kero, that does sound fun." Tsuyu said, giving a smile to Isabella and Denki. The two cheered and looked to everyone to make sure they were coming too.

Shoto agreed because he knew Yaoyorozu would drag him down anyway. Izuku agreed and Hitoshi said he would stop by but only because he wanted to be there with Izuku. Tenya agreed because Ochaco was going even though he wasn't sure throwing a party was a good idea.

"Alright then! Meet us in the common room at seven!" Isabella said happily, grabbing Denki's arm and dragging them off.

The rest of the Bakusquad sat at their table joking around and annoying Katsuki just to get a reaction out of them.

Isabella explained the same thing she did to Izuku and his friends. Everyone immediately agreed, all except Katsuki.

"Aw come on bro!" Eijirou said with a huff. Katsuki once again said no and rolled his eyes.

"Please! Come on Kat!" Isabella whined, she grabbed Katsuki's arm and sat next to him.

Katsuki glared at her and tried to snatch his arm away. For a beta, Isabella was strong. "I am not going to some stupid party with those idiots."

"Oh come on! Todoroki is going to be there! You don't want your fated to be there all alone do you?" Isabella knew nothing would happen to Shoto, he was strong, but she knew she could use him to make Katsuki do what she wanted him to. She'll apologize to Shoto later.

Katsuki growled softly. "Fucking fine! God, now let me go you blue haired rat."

Isabella cheered and let Katsuki go. "Alright! I knew you'd agree!" Katsuki growled again and rolled his eyes.

"Oh screw off." He grumbled, closing his eyes and laying his head on the table.

Isabella giggled and started to talk about the party details with the rest of the group.

 -I am so confused

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-I am so confused. I just read the description and realized I had Shoto as two different ages, he is seventeen in this one I had to fix that
-Also this is literally just random, ima do something for the party then get back into more of the story. I make this shit up as I go.

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