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I did it again😔I'm sorry I'm really picky
Regret regret regret. Shoto regrets coming here with Katsuki, he regrets coming to the party. He definitely regrets wearing a dress.

He's been hit on god knows how many times. He lost Denki and Isabella in the crowd and he has no hope in finding them or anyone else he knows.

He tried to seclude himself but someone always found him. Flirting or just awkward small talk always occurred when someone came across him.

"Hello young man," A soft unfamiliar voice said from behind him. Shoto jumped and looked at the kind looking old woman standing behind him.

"Ah, hello." Shoto scooted over on the couch that he was sitting on so the woman could sit down. She smiled and sat next to him.

As she sat, the familiar sweet smell of an omega filled Shoto's senses. She could smell his scent as well and she smiled softly.

"My name is Akemi Kusumi, you are?" The warm smile on her face coaxed Shoto into talking.

"Shoto Todoroki." He whispered, fixing the dress he was wearing.

She nodded and the two talked quietly for a while. She took Shoto's drink from him which confused the male but he didn't question her.

"Akemi!" A female voice called from somewhere in the crowd. The grey haired woman looked up and shook her head.

"My daughter.." She whispered with a chuckle.

"Well, hopefully I'll see you again. Congratulations by the way." And with that, she was gone.

This wasn't the first time he had been told congratulations by the omegas at the party. It confused Shoto but he never questioned it.

The omega sat back, another headache forming. He listened to the soft music playing and people chattering for a while.

Then a loud scream ripped through the air. Shoto sat up as the voice sounded familiar.

"Isabella?" Shoto murmured as he followed the chatting crowd towards the area.

When Shoto could see the area the scream came from, he saw what was happening.

Isabella was soaking wet, activating her quirk. A woman whom he had never seen before stood over Isabella's crumpled form with her hands on her hips. Abigail stood by along with a man Shoto assumes was their father.

"You should listen to your mother next time brat." The woman hissed, dropping the cup on the floor.

"You're not my mother!" Isabella screamed, soaking the woman in water as well. The blonde screamed and stumbled backwards into her husband.

Abigail wanted to help her sister but she knew that touching her would harm both of them. So instead she started to scream at the woman.

Shoto rushed forward to help the sobbing Isabella off the floor. Katsuki, Eiijrou and Denki also emerged from the crowd.

They helped Isabella away from the area and towards her room. She cried her heart out the entire way, mumbling incoherently about her mother and wanting her mate.

Katsuki and Eijrou were surprised that Isabella had found her mate and had not told them but they both knew that now was not the time to question her.

Katsuki and Denki were beyond pissed so Eijirou took them outside to try and calm them down while Shoto tried to calm Isabella down.

"S-She ruined my moms dress! My mom gave me this now look at it!" Isabella sobbed into Shoto's chest.

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