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Shoto had decided to stay with Fuyumi and her mate for the last week of winter break. Fuyumi and Shoto have concluded that staying with their father wouldn't be a good idea for him and might put too much stress on his already stressed out body.

Throughout the first few days he mostly slept in and avoided talking to anyone. He of course had received calls from classmates but he chose to ignore them. He didn't feel like being interrogated or explaining the situation for the hundredth time.

As of now, Shoto was attempting to sleep but an outburst from a certain white haired alpha kept him from getting his much needed sleep.

Shoto groaned and sat up slowly. He wrapped his arms around himself as he shuffled into the living room where Natsuo, Hamari and Fuyumi stood.

Hamari was holding their three month old daughter Sakura. She held a nasty glare as she watched her mate, who was pacing angrily. Natsuo continued to pace and mutter under his breath, his eyes were dark and the anger radiating off of him was clear.

Shoto hid behind the door frame and listened to their conversation.

"I'm going to kill him." Natsuo growled. Fuyumi shook her head and placed her hand on her brother's arm.

"Don't. And calm down, you're upsetting Sakura." Fuyumi said with a straight face. Natsuo looked at his daughter who was staring at him with wide orange eyes, similar to her mother's.

"Sorry." Natsuo mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I just...how could he do that to Shoto? Especially when he's pregnant. That's fucked up."

Shoto finally made his presence known by slipping into the room and speaking quietly, "He didn't know..he doesn't know."

The three looked at Shoto in shock. "You haven't told him?" Hamari asked, adjusting her daughter in her arms.

Shoto shook his head and leaned against the door frame. He felt sick and it's gotten worse since he left the Bakugos home. His stomach and back were always hurting and his chest and head were killing him.

Hamari noticed his shuffling and Shoto's attempts to cover the pain by not making faces. She looked at him worriedly before giving Sakura go Natsuo. She walked up to Shoto and grabbed his hand, pulling him into his room. Once the door shut behind them she turned to the confused male behind her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. Shoto raised his eyebrows.

"Why're you asking?" Shoto looked at the worried omega with unimpressed eyes. Hamari chuckled and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well uhm...I heard what happened, and I know that when you're pregnant and far away from your mate it hurts like ten times worse." Shoto cringed at her words, he felt bad for her. She had to move across the country when she was about three months pregnant for her internship. That must have been terrible.

"So again, how are you feeling? It's not good for you or the baby if you're sore all the time." Hamari gave Shoto a serious look that forced an answer out of him.

"Terrible." He huffed, crossing his arms. Hamari gave him a worried look before asking where it hurt the most.

He told her and she nodded, placing her hand on his stomach and activating her quirk. Hamari was able to numb the pain of anyone she touches momentarily. It lasted about an hour or two but it was better than nothing.

Shoto sighed in relief as the pain began to fade slightly. Shoto thanked Hamari quietly and the two headed back to the living room.

Sakura was bawling her little eyes out and Natsuo looked panicked. Hamari sighed next to Shoto. Being a new mom has taken a hit on her. Especially when her mate has no idea what to do with a baby. Just as she was about to step up to get her daughter, Shoto took Sakura from his brother's hands.

Shoto swayed gently with her in his arms, brushing a strand of her greyish white hair from her face, she was young but her hair was already long and in the way.

Shoto noticed Sakura's pacifier laying on the couch so he grabbed it and gave it to the now lightly crying child. Her cries soon faded into soft whines and tears silently rolled down her cheeks as she stared up at Shoto.

"Jeez Natsuo, even Shoto can take care of a baby better than you." Fuyumi said with a laugh, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room.

"Well that's just an omega thing! He has a natural motherly instinct! I don't! Give me a break." The white haired male huffed. Hamari laughed and wrapped her arms around her mate.

Shoto blinked. He didn't know what had come over him. He's never really dealt with kids as young as Sakura but something in his mind just knew what to do.

"He's right about that you know." Fuyumi said with a soft laugh. Shoto's confusion showed on his face.

"Omegas develop a mother-like persona at any age. Those are actually the earliest signs of someone being an omega. It's only stronger since you're pregnant." Fuyumi explained, passing the now sleeping child to her mother.

"Oh." Shoto mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. He's been an omega for almost an entire year but he still has a lot to learn about his own kind.

-At this point, idk if it's gonna be done at thirty chapters

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-At this point, idk if it's gonna be done at thirty chapters. It might not be, I might take it to like thirty one or two but it's definitely ending soon.
-Also I am definitely making a ShinDeku story next, I just gotta finish this one

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