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The bright sun woke Shoto from his peaceful slumber. He tried to move, but was pulled back into the bare chest of the male behind him.

The memories from the night before rushed into Shoto's mind and his face turned a deep shade of scarlet. Shoto's skin tingled from the multiple hickeys littering his body. Shoto rolled over and pressed against Katsuki's chest.

"Bakugo, wake up. We have class." Katsuki groaned and opened his eyes.

"Morning.." The blonde murmured, his voice gruff and laced with sleep. He removed his arms from around Shoto's waist, allowing the smaller male to sit up.

Shoto stretched his back muscles and yawned softly. He could feel Katsuki's eyes scan over his body.

"Stop staring." Shoto huffed, smacking Katsuki's arm. The blonde chuckled and sat up, once again pulling Shoto towards him.

Katsuki nipped in the back of Shoto's neck. "I didn't know Mr.Stoic could moan so loud." Shoto shivered as Katsuki's breath brushed against his neck.

"Oh shut up!" Shoto smacked the back of Katsuki's head and pulled away from the blonde. He stood up, an unfamiliar pain shot through his lower half, causing him to stumble a bit.

Katsuki sniggered, he enjoyed watching Shoto struggle. The smaller male huffed and put on Katsuki's jacket and the shorts he wore the night before.

"You're like a mosquito! Look at my legs!" Shoto hissed, throwing Katsuki's shirt at him. The blonde erupted into laughter and easily caught the shirt.

"What? I was just showing people who you belong to-" Katsuki was cut off by Shoto throwing a book at him.

"Suck my dick!" Shoto fumed. He realized his mistake when a wide grin spread across Katsuki's face.

"Been there, done that. Will do it again." Katsuki said avoiding another book being flung in his direction.

"Shut uppp!" Shoto whined, his face was bright red almost the same color as his hair. Shoto ran his hand over the hickey on his scent glands.

They weren't mated yet, but Shoto did let Katsuki scent mark him which seemed to have satisfied the alpha. Shoto didn't mind getting scent marked by Katsuki, he wouldn't mind being marked by him either.

Katsukis stood up and put on the shirt Shoto had thrown at him. "You know class is out right?"

Shoto gave the older male a puzzled look. "What?"

"Winter break, did you forget? We had Monday and Tuesday and then we got out Wednesday." Shoto felt his heart drop.

He knew he would have to go somewhere for break, but he couldn't go home. He wouldn't. His father was going to go ballistic if Shoto went home.

Shoto was practically oblivious to the distress signals he was releasing. Katsuki on the other hand took immediate notice to the signals flowing off of the omega. He walked towards the smaller male and placed his hand on his cheek.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Katsuki asked softly. Shoto was brought back into reality by the male's voice and he looked at the older male.

"Huh?" Shoto said dumbly. Katsuki raised an eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong? You were releasing distress signals all over the place." Katsuki's voice was hard but had a worried undertone.

"Oh....I'm just nervous...I don't want to go home." Shoto muttered, leaning into Katsuki's touch.

"Why?" Katsuki asked, brushing his thumb against the younger's cheek.

"My father is going to be pissed. Everyone knows." Shoto whispered with a slightly shaking voice. Katsuki growled lightly.

"I'm not letting him hurt you." Katsuki growled. Shoto looked at Katsuki with wide eyes.

"It's fine. I have nowhere else to go, I have no choice." Shoto said groggily.

"You'll come with me. My folks and I are going out to our estate." Katsuki blurted.

"Huh? But will they mind? That sounds like a family vacation, I could hate to intrude." Shoto sighed.

"It's fine, I've been meaning to ask you anyway." Katsuki said with determination in his voice. He wanted Shoto to accept his offer.

Katsuki definitely wanted Shoto to come to their estate. It was open fields with beautiful sights and lots of places for Katsuki to run around in his wolf form.

"Fine..okay! Fine, I'll go with you." Katsuki's eyes brightened, making Shoto's heart fill with joy.

"That's great! You need to pack...I need to pack fuck!" Katsuki's voice held a new type of playfulness and happiness that Shoto had never heard from the male before.

"How about you pack and I'll go to my room to pack and meet you in the common room. I want to shower too." Katsuki nodded at this and gave Shoto a quick peck on the lips.

Shoto made his way to his room, trying to avoid anyone so that they wouldn't see the hickeys on his neck and thighs. He was able to get to his door undetected.

He grabbed some things for the next two weeks and other necessities. Shoto also picked up his phone and called his sister. She answered after three rings.

"Hello?" Came Fuyumi's voice.

"Hello Fuyumi." Shoto said with a smile. Fuyumi felt relief wash over her.

"How have you been?" She asked carefully. Shoto shrugged, forgetting that Fuyumi couldn't see him.

"Great actually!" Shoto chirped.

"Ah you sound happy! What happened?" Fuyumi asked, falling across her new lover's bed.

"Well...I uh...well let's just say a lot happened last night." Shoto also fell back onto his bed.

Fuyumi squealed, getting what Shoto meant. "Oh good lord you lost your V-Card! Ooh~ was it that blonde boy from earlier? Who was it, Bakugo?"

"Maybe..anyway, what's been up with you?" Shoto asked, deciding he would get up to finish packing.

"I'm dating someone now. She's great, and she let me move in." Fuyumi's face turned light pink at ten thought of her white haired girlfriend.

"Oh? Who is she?" Shoto was looking through his closet, deciding to change into a black turtleneck and while skinny jeans.

"Her name is Rumi Usagiyama, she's a beautiful alpha." Fuyumi's cheeks were bright red thinking about her beautiful muscular girlfriend.

Shoto chuckled at his sister's dreamy voice. "Oh yeah, I'm going to spend the winter break with Katsuki."

"Oh, that's good. Natsuo is staying with Hamari and the baby and I'm going to stay with Rumi, I'm glad you have somewhere to go." Fuyumi rolled over, sitting up as she heard the front door of her and her lover's apartment open.

"Yeah, but I have to get ready. I'll talk to you later Fuyumi" Shoto grabbed his underwear and was heading to the locker room.

"Alright bye Shoto!" Fuyumi chirped before hanging up.

Shoto smiled, happy his sister found someone that wasn't an asshole that his father was planning on forcing her to marry.

-I honestly didn't know Fuyumi and Mirko was a ship but it's cute or whateva😌-The pic is technically villain Fuyumi but it's still Fuyumi

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-I honestly didn't know Fuyumi and Mirko was a ship but it's cute or whateva😌
-The pic is technically villain Fuyumi but it's still Fuyumi.

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