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"Give me my jacket back!" Katsuki yelled, trying to grab the omega who only giggled and avoided his arms.

"Nope! I had to go out in the cold! Your jacket is warm~" Shoto purred, avoiding being grabbed once more.

"Now I'm shirtless! Dammit I know you've got a jacket IcyHot!" Katsuki tried and failed to grab the omega again.

"Bite me." Shoto scrunched up his face and stuck out his tongue. Katsuki couldn't deny that the dual haired omega looked adorable doing this and he couldn't help but feel proud that the usually stoic male was comfortable enough to act playful around him.

"Maybe I will." Katsuki's eyebrow raised and a smirk rested on his lips as the omega's face flushed.

"Aw screw you jerk off!" Shoto pouted and Katsuki took the opportunity to wrap his arms around the smaller's waist.

Shoto squealed as he was lifted from the ground. His immediate reaction was to flail like mad until Katsuki dropped him. Of course, Katsuki did no such thing and kept a tight grip on the omega's waist.

Eventually Shoto sighed and stopped struggling, poking out his bottom lip and frowning. Katsuki chuckled and shifted Shoto so that he was in his arms bridal style.

"Meanie." Shoto grumbled.

"Says the jacket stealer." Katsuki laughed at the glare he received from the omega.

Katsuki carried them to Shoto's bed and sat down, holding the omega in his lap.

Shoto hummed and nuzzled Katsuki's scent glands. Shoto was hesitant but he placed a soft kiss against the area earning a satisfied huff from the older male.

Shoto felt pride swell in his stomach and he was happy he was able to satisfy the older male. He continued to place soft kisses on the alpha's neck, purring softly as he did so.

Katsuki hummed softly and rubbed circles on Shoto's lower back while very obviously groping the omega.

Shoto let out a quiet whimper and continued to bite on the male's neck. A surge of determination rushed through him and he was determined to please his alpha.

Their moment was ruined by a rather loud knock on Shoto's door.

Growling Katsuki stood up with Shoto still in his arms and walked towards the door. He snatched the door open with one hand and moved Shoto so that he was sitting on Katsuki's hip.

Eijirou was standing at the door with a shocked look on his face. After staring for a while he cleared his throat and looked away.

"Uhm...sorry to bother you but Bakubro I need to talk to you.." His tone of voice and the serious look in his eyes made Katsuki nod stiffly.

He placed Shoto on his feet before slipping out of the door and closing it behind him.

"What?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow. Eijirou fidgeted and pulled at the ends of his shirt.

"Well uh...I found my...fated." The red head's face burned a red close to his hair color. Katsuki's eyes went wide and a smirk formed on his face.

"Holy shit. Who is it?" Eijirou looked up then back down quickly.

"Well uh...it's Kaminari."

Katsuki laughed, shaking his head. "How lucky are you huh? You've had a crush on Dunce Face for like a year."

Eijirou glared at the slightly shorter male and pouted. After standing there for a minute, Eijirou gained the courage to ask the question he's been wanting to ask for weeks.

"Is Todoroki your fated? I mean, you've been around him a lot and you got really angry when-Ow! What the hell dude?" Eijirou was cut off by a punch in the shoulder. He glared at Katsuki and rubbed his arm.

"Yeah...that Halfie is my fated." A warm smile formed on his face at the thought of the omega just on the other side of the door.

Eijirou looked a bit conflicted which Katsuki took notice too. "Is something wrong with that Shitty Hair?" Katsuki growled.

"No but...what about Abigail?" Katsuki pulled an annoyed look.

"Fuck that pink haired bitch. She's off in America somewhere, why the fuck would I care? I've found my fated. She can find her's."

Eijirou also gave Katsuki an annoyed look. "You know Abi and Isabella are coming back this week right?"

The shorter alpha raised an eyebrow, not remembering if his old hag said something about the twins coming back to Japan.

The twins mother is one of Mitsuki's best friends so he wouldn't hear the end of it.

"You know that the Full Moon Ball is next week right? Purebloods from all over are coming to Japan. Your family is hosting this year! How could you forget?" Eijirou let out an exasperated sigh and threw his hands up.

Katsuki's eyes widened and he cursed. "Oh shit."

"Oh shit indeed! You know we're both going to have to bring them and we have to present them to our parents and the higher ups." Eijirou's rant went silent as he realized what situation they were in. He hadn't even told Denki that he liked him, let alone what he really was.

Katsuki hadn't told Shoto what he was or that he was his destined mate. Now they were both meant to bring their mates to a gala filled with their distant family members or people they've never met before.

"We're fucked." Katsuki murmured, running his hands down his face.

"Yes we are." Eijirou sighed.

What the two of them didn't know was that Shoto has cracked the door slightly and was listening to their conversation.

"Fated..?" Shoto mumbled, confusion brewing in his mind.

?" Shoto mumbled, confusion brewing in his mind

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-Fun fact: I am very confused

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