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Shoto was awoken with a start. The sound of someone banging on his door nearly scared the life out of him.

He jumped up, noticing the clock on his dresser flashing eight PM. Shoto stumbled around, avoiding boxes and bags as he made his way to his door shirtless and all.

He pulled it open and was met with a very panicked looking Izuku. Shoto could barely register what was happening before Izuku grabbed his arm and started dragging him away.

"Midoriya? What's happening?" Shoto mumbled, seeing some of his classmates poke their heads out of their dorms and seeing the Bakusquad, minus Eijirou, rush towards the common room.

"It's Kacchan! He's fighting Monoma!" Izuku yelled, dragging the still dazed omega along.

He was pulled outside where the cold air hit him full force. The sun was just starting to set and the starry night was slowly making an appearance. Shoto would've loved to admire this if it wasn't for the group of both 2-A and 2-B students huddling around something.

Shoto sighed as Izuku dragged him through the crowd. He heard a few people saying things about waking Itsuka so she could at least get Neito in line but some were against the idea.

When the two alphas came into view Shoto wanted to scream at the both of them.

Neito's face was bruised and bloodied, he had burn marks on his arms and neck but was still hunched over in a fighting stance. Katsuki's face was in similar condition and his lip was busted and his nose was bleeding, he also had burn marks on his arms, seeing as Neito most likely copied his quirk.

They were huffing and glaring daggers at each other. Shoto has had enough of their bullshit.

Katsuki was the first to move again, he lunged at Neito, striking him in the jaw. Another series of punches and explosions went off as the two began to fight like animals.

Deciding he was done watching, Shoto walked up to the two, an eerie calmness leaked off the omega making class 2-A collectively take a step back, not wanting to be caught in the middle of the storm Shoto was bound to cause.

The two alphas continued to tussle, not noticing Shoto standing there. Shoto activated his quirk, ice shooting up Katsuki's leg and the fire made Neito jump back.

A loud growl rang through the courtyard, making everyone quiet down. All eyes were on Shoto, some people were shocked because if it was true, how could an omega make such a loud sound?

A snarl made its way to Shoto's face and his eyes traveled between each male.

"Why the fuck are you two fighting?" Shoto asked, an icy tone slipping through his voice. His monotone voice was gone, replaced by a cold and borderline pissed tone.

Shoto gave Katsuki the harsher glare and gave Neito a disgusted one.

"You two are un-fucking-believeable. I can't leave you alone for ten fucking minutes!" Shoto pointed at Katsuki who looked down. "And you!" Shoto's stare landed on Neito, making the alpha flinch lightly.

"Why the hell are you here in the first place? Your dorm building is on the other side of campus! Why the fuck would you come all the way here? You wanted to start a fucking fight!" At this point, Shoto was yelling.

Ochaco was right, the frustration mixed with his pretty messed up hormones made him not act like his usual stoic and put together self.

He was still shirtless, cold and very, very pissed. Shoto was not in the mood for two arrogant alphas.

"I swear to god. Why the hell do I have to deal with blonde asshole one and two?" Shoto gumbled, massaging his temple.

A headache was beginning to form and Shoto wanted to leave them both frozen naked, hanging upside down from the top of the building.

"Get him before I freeze his dick off." Shoto growled, pointing at one of class 2-B's students. The girl nodded softly and apologized for Neito before dragging him off scolding him the entire way.

Shoto walked up to Katsuki, seeing as his leg was frozen at this point. Shoto slowly melted the ice from the male's body, not saying anything to him or looking into his eyes.

Once Katsuki was able to move his numbing leg again, Shoto grabbed his hand. The omega ignored the sparks flying through his hand and walked past their classmates.

Once they were inside, Katsuki began to whine.

"Let me go IcyHot!" Katsuki demanded, a pout forming on his face.

"Shut it." Shoto growled looking back at the taller male. Katsuki quieted down but continued to mutter under his breath.

Shoto silently dragged the male to his dorm room and pushed him inside towards the bed. Katsuki nearly tripped over a bag on the floor and he complained about it, earning him a glare from the omega.

Shoto went to get the med kit from his drawer with a sighHe turned back to the pouting alpha on his bed. With a huff Shoto tended to the alpha's cuts and bruises, earning more then a few complaints and whines from Katsuki.

"Oh shush you big baby." Shoto cooed and kissed Katsuki's forehead once he was finished.

The tips of Katsuki's ears and his cheeks turned light pink and he puffed out his cheeks. Shoto giggled, making Katsuki's heart melt.

"Hey..why were you fighting anyway?" Shoto asked cautiously. Katsuki tensed and he let out a low growl, his eyes darkening to a blood red.

"Shitty Hair and I were heading back from the gym when that blonde bimbo walked past us. He was telling one of those goons about how he was going to claim you before me. When I told him to fuck off he said make me. So I made him." Katsuki was smirking by the end of his explanation.

Shoto sighed and shook his head. "You can't stay out of trouble for long can you?"

Katsuki grinned, smug as ever and chirped, "When do I ever go by the rules?"

Shoto sighed once more and hit the back of Katsuki's head.


-I've been waiting to use this picture forever😂-It's cute right? I have so many todobaku pictures or gay pictures in general -Also question, should I start a oneshot book?🤔 I have a few random ideas and stories that only have on or two parts tha...

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-I've been waiting to use this picture forever😂
-It's cute right? I have so many todobaku pictures or gay pictures in general
-Also question, should I start a oneshot book?🤔 I have a few random ideas and stories that only have on or two parts that I kinda wanna post

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