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The weekend came faster then Katsuki would've liked. Now he was dressed in a black sleeveless hoodie and a light blue jean jacket with black ripped jeans and white combat boots.

He was consistently grumbling under his breath as he waited outside of Shoto's dorm. He cursed Isabella and Denki for dragging him into this.

The door opened and Shoto walked out, squeaking when he finally saw Katsuki. He didn't know the alpha was there.

Katsuki looked over Shoto's form. The omega was wearing a white turtleneck that fit perfectly against his form, showing off his small waist. The shirt was tucked into a pair of light blue skinny jeans that squeezes his thighs perfectly.

Shoto gave a smile to Katsuki "You scared me." Shoto laughed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

Katsuki chuckled and gestured for Shoto to grab his arm which Shoto did. They walked down the hallway, laughing and talking quietly.

As they got closer to the common room, music started to become noticeable. The closer they got the louder the music became. They entered the common room and a clearly drunk Denki greeted them.

"Heyyyy dudes!! Ya made it! I thought your were gonna be fucking or somethin'..." the male yelled drunkinly.

Shoto's face turned bright red and he was thankful for the dark lights in the room. Katsuki dragged the omega away from the drunk idiot and towards a couch near the back, not noticing Abigail sitting there.

"I regret coming here..." Shoto mumbled as he sat down next to Katsuki. Katsuki grunted in agreement.

"Yo bro! Come here!" Eijirou yelled over the music as he walked towards them.

"Why?" Katsuki asked, giving the red head an annoyed look.

"Mineta is being creepy again." Shoto shivered at the thought of the creepy beta.

"Fucking hell..where is he?" Katsuki stood and the two walked off. Shoto shook his head and crossed his legs, pulling out his phone.

He scrolled through Instagram for a while, that was until his phone was snatched from his hands. Shoto's head shot up and he glared into the deep green eyes of Abigail.

"Not you again." He muttered, giving her a bored look. He turned towards her slightly.

"Fuck you. I want to settle this." Abigail growled, dropping Shoto's phone into his lap.

"Settle what? I didn't do anything to you." Shoto gave her an eyeroll. She scoffed and stood up crossing her arms.

"There is going to be a practice match Monday. All Might is going to let us choose our partners. Me versus you. Whoever wins gets to have Katsuki." A smug smirk spread across her face.

"I don't like competitions and Bakugo is not an object to be traded around." Shoto grumbled, placing his elbow on his knee and his head in his hand.

"Oh what? Is the little omega scared? You gonna go run to your alpha? Or maybe your daddy. I bet you let him fuck your brains out. Omegas like that sort of thing. As long as they have a dick they're good right?"

Shoto's stomach churned and heat raised in his throat in the form of bile. He shivered in pure disgust at the thought of his father even looking at him in 'that' way. It made Shoto want to both throw up and knock this girls teeth down her throat.

Shoto definitely didn't want to fight her but she
truly believed that, because she was an alpha, she could easily beat Shoto. He wasn't going to let that happen. He definitely isn't going to lose to some mouthy bitch.

"Okay first. That is disgusting, I don't care if you like to screw your dad but please do not rope me into that twisted mix." Shoto started, standing up to meet Abigail's height. He was tall for an omega, not as tall as Katsuki, who was five ten, but not as short as Abigail who was five two.

He was exactly five five and stood taller then her by a few inches. The tallest omegas are five one so Shoto being five five wasn't much to others but it was fine for him. He was still upset that he practically shrunk, going from five nine to five five but he wouldn't complain. At least too much.

"Second, if you want to fight me. Then sure. Monday, and when I kick your ass don't look stupid. Nasty bitch." Shoto growled out before he stormed away, leaving Abigail standing there, mouth agape.

Shoto was fuming, he felt disgusted at what she had said. He also really didn't want to fight, but since it was assigned by a teacher at least he'll get graded for it.

Shoto was moving through the crowd of people, Isabella ended up inviting some older students along with some of class 2-B to the party so there were a lot of people in their common room.

He pushed past people, earning a few wolf whistles and catcalls as he made his way to who knows where. Then the class creep himself ran up to him, grabbing his legs and moving behind him.

Shoto was thoroughly confused and annoyed. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked, glaring down at the shorter male.

"Your crazy boyfriend is trying to kill me!" Minoru yelled, squeezing Shoto's thighs.

Katsuki soon came into view, Isabella and Eijirou not far behind.

"Where is that little fucker?" Katsuki growled. Shoto sighed and tried to get Minoru off him.

Katsuki's eyes landed on Shoto struggling and then fell down to Minoru. This enraged the alpha further, a calm and scary type of rage. Katsuki being calm and angry is never a good thing.

He walked over to them, but they didn't notice until Minoru was ripped away from Shoto. The grape haired male yelled out and Shoto stumbled slightly.

"Dude! Calm down!" Eijirou yelled, suddenly regretting asking Katsuki for help dealing with the grape.

"I'm okay Kat! I swear I was just caught off guard!" Isabella yelled trying to get Katsuki to drop Minoru.

Katsuki ignored them and glared daggers at the creep. Because Minoru was so close, he could see that his red eyes were now pitch black.

"If you ever touch Isabella or Shoto ever again, I'll rip your little arms off and shove them so far up your ass they'll come out through your fucking ears." Katsuki threatened in a low voice.

Shoto shivered at the sound of the blonde's voice and his face turned light red. Minoru squeaked out a yes before he was dropped to the floor and told to leave. Minoru scurried away, pushing past people to get away from the small group.

Shoto walked up to the still fuming alpha, ignoring the strange feeling brewing in his gut. Katsuki's eyes were still dark and his lip was raised on one side, showing his canine.

Shoto placed his hands on Katsuki's chest, feeling weirder as he got closer to the older male. With him being taller, Shoto stood on his tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

"Calm down Suki...it's alright, don't be upset." Shoto began to play with Katsuki's hair, making the alpha hum and lay on his shoulder.

Shoto was starting to get hot but he ignored it. He just assumed it was because of his outfit and all the people around him. How wrong he was.

-IMMMMM SLEEEEPY ✨I got school in the morning✨or evenings

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I got school in the morningor evenings

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