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Shoto's suspicions of his father were correct. It's been a week since Shoto was pronounced an omega and everyday since then Shoto was presented to different male and female alpha's of his father's choice, one being his close friend Momo Yaoyorozu.

Of course, his father wanted him to be mates to a strong alpha with a strong quirk to have strong children-or more commonly known as pups-with.

This time Shoto was pulled from his sleep by his father demanding that he come downstairs to meet someone. Annoyed Shoto removed himself from bed and put on a jacket, not bothering to fix his hair or put on something more presentable.

"Yes father?" Shoto grumbled, making his way into the kitchen where three unknown people sat. Two males and a female. By the males strong scent he could tell they were alphas and the woman's sweeter scent let Shoto know she was an omega.

"Met Kiyoshi, Yubi and Yo Shindo." Shoto gave them a small hello. He felt a bit weird as the youngest, who he assumed was their son, was staring at him.

The black haired alpha stood and took Shoto's hand. "Nice to meet you Shoto, I'm Yo Shindo."

Awkwardly, Shoto shook his hand. "Hello...I'm Shoto Todoroki.."

Shoto pulled his hand from the alphas and gave his father a confused look.

"Why are they here?" The omega asked, not bothering to be kind.

"Since you have been stubbornly refusing courtships, Mr.Kiyoshi and I have written up a marriage plan for you and Yo." His father said bluntly.

Shoto felt his heart drop and his breath hitch. Shoto felt panicked and his heart began to hammer rapidly.

"Yo has already agreed and at this point Shoto. You have no choice." Enji gave his son a smug smile.

The world doesn't see omegas much as people more as objects to be traded around and the law states that unless courted, omegas aren't allowed to deny marriage or courtship agreements.

"I...I'm.." Shoto's mind was running circles. He didn't know what to do or say.

"Do you agree Shoto?" Yo asked with hope shining in his eyes.

"I'm uh...I'm..." Shoto felt like dying, everyone in the room was staring at him expectedly.

"I'm being...courted already!" Shoto shouted before he could stop himself. Yo froze and a low growl slipped past his lips.

The number one hero raised an eyebrow at his son. "By who?" His tone showed that he obviously didn't believe him.

"Uhm..his name is..." Shoto has to think quickly. He needs someone better then Yo. Someone he knows who is stronger.

A certain blonde alpha flashed in his mind. The easy to anger blonde was a pureblooded alpha with a strong and flashy quirk.

"Uhm his name is uh..Katsuki Bakugo." Shoto said before he could think about his words properly.

"That asshole!?" Yo shouted.

"Yo Shindo! Language!" His mother hissed. Yo grumbled and went to sit next to his mother.

"Oh really? Well I would love to meet this, Katsuki Bakugo." Shoto's father gave his son a snarl.

"Sure. Friday night then." Shoto covered his nervousness with a smirk and a fake confident tone.

"Sorry about this." Shoto bowed towards Yo's family and practically ran upstairs.

Shoto slammed his door and grabbed his phone. He quickly dialed Momo's number. The phone rang twice before she picked up.

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