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When Katsuki entered Shoto's room again, the omega was lying on his bed. He was curled into a ball, snuggled comfortably in Katsuki's jacket with a pillow pulled to his chest.

Katsuki moved to lay down next to Shoto. causing the dual haired omega to move so that he was laying on his side and staring at the alpha. Katsuki kissed Shoto's cheek, only to be pushed away.

Katsuki raised his eyebrow, Shoto gave him a blank look.

"What were you and Kirishima talking about?" Shoto asked, sitting up.

He didn't want to be nosy or anything. He just wanted Katsuki to tell him the truth. Especially after hearing him say that Shoto doesn't know what he is. What did that mean? What if Katsuki was a villain? What if Katsuki was up to no good?

Shoto shook his head, he didn't want to focus on the what if's, he wanted to know the truth.

Katsuki's jaw clenched and he looked into Shoto's bicolored eyes.

"Nothing really..he just wanted to talk about our study session later." Katsuki looked away from Shoto, he couldn't look into his eyes. The alpha had the habit of looking away from a person if he wasn't telling the truth.

Shoto's stoic look faltered and he looked annoyed and hurt at the same time.

"Don't lie to me Bakugo." Shoto said with a stone cold voice. Katsuki sighed and shook his head.

"How much did you hear?" The red eyed male asked, looking up from the spot he had been staring at on Shoto's bed.

"Everything." Shoto's stare was still hard and cold. He didn't smile, he kept his lips pressed in a thin line.

Katsuki let out a dry laugh and fell back against Shoto's bed. "Everything huh?"

"So you heard me say you were my fated?" Katsuki asked, propping himself up on his elbows and looking at Shoto who nodded stiffly.

"What is a fated anyway?" Shoto asked, tilting his head. Even with the meanish look on his face, Shoto still looked cute almost like a confused puppy.

"Basically the person I was destined to be with. I'm a bit surprised it wasn't another pureblood, seeing as Selene, the moon goddess, likes to keep our blood line pure. I guess that's going to change."

Shoto was still a bit confused but nodded nonetheless. "And you said I didn't know what you are. What did you mean by that?"

"Well...have you ever heard of werewolves?" Katsuki asked with a wide grin. Shoto rolled his eyes.

"Really? Werewolves? What are you, a child?" Shoto huffed out.

A grin spreads across Katsuki's face and he sits up. He grabbed Shoto, much to the dual haired omega's annoyance. Katsuki bit Shoto's neck, sniggering and Shoto pulled back, growling and punching Katsuki's chest lightly.

"No but really, this is completely normal for purebloods to be shifters. For some reason, people call us werewolves but we aren't really. They've got us all wrong. We don't shift during a full moon, we shift whenever we want to. People really need to learn more about our species before going around saying things like 'we are savages and we kill for fun' that's just bullshit." Katsuki explained.

"Shifting?" Shoto isn't really into the whole folklore thing so he knew little to nothing about werewolves. Sure he had seen some old movies and they did usually paint the werewolf as the bad guy. Except in Twilight. Or that's what Yaoyorozu said.

"So basically, other then my quirk, I have the ability to shift into a wolf. It's pretty fucking dope." Katsuki said with a proud grin. He watched as Shoto's eyes sparkled.

"Wait, you can turn into a wolf?" Katsuki chuckled and nodded.

"You want to see?" Katsuki asked and Shoto nodded excitedly.

Katsuki moved Shoto from his lap and stood up, stretching his muscles. "Jeez, I haven't done this in a while." Katsuki murmured.

Shoto stared at Katsuki with a wide smile. Katsuki's eyes closed and a bright white light covered his body. Shoto had to cover his eyes. Shoto closed his eyes and when he reopened them, there stood a blonde wolf with ruby red eyes.

The wolf's coat shimmered in the dim light of his room, and it's deep red colored eyes were directly on Shoto. The omega was mesmerized by the wolf, knowing who he was made Shoto butterflies flutter in his stomach.

Shoto looked at the creature, once again mesmerized by its blonde coat and red eyes. The wolf huffed.

Shoto slipped off his bed and moved to sit in front of the pretty big wolf in the middle of his room.

"You're extremely pretty you know. I've never seen a wolf with red eyes." Once again the wolf huffed and sat in front of him.

Katsuki cocked his head and looked at Shoto with what looked like a glare. Katsuki wished he could talk in his wolf form. Then he would tell Shoto not to call him 'pretty' and that he was dumb for thinking his eye color would change just because he was in his wolf form. Katsuki did something that sort of looked like he was shaking his head.

Shoto chuckled at the alpha's reactions. It was funny seeing him glare in his wolf form. He had no idea why he wasn't scared. Katsuki was huge in this form at least on all fours he was up to Shoto's waist and would definitely be taller then Shoto on its hind legs.

Katsuki huffed again and placed his head down. Shoto smiled at the creature. The wolf made a face, like he was trying to scowl at Shoto.

Shoto reaches out to touch Katsuki but he shrinks growling softly.

"Okay no touching, noted." Shoto chuckled and Katsuki huffed again. He scooted towards Shoto and nudged his head with his snout.

A soft smile spread across his face, all the anger and confusion he felt just minutes earlier had disappeared.

Shoto lifted his hand and placed his head on top of Katsuki's head. He massaged his fur and scratched behind his ears earning satisfied huffs and made a sound that was similar to purring.

Shoto grinned and leaned against his bed. He started to feel tired, all the stress for the past few days was getting to him and he just wanted to sleep.

Katsuki placed his head on Shoto's lap and nuzzled Shoto's stomach. Shoto slowly started to doze off until he finally fell into a peaceful sleep.

 -Aaaa I am at thirteen chapters and I haven't even gotten halfway through the story😩-Also don't they look hot😳-Also while editing this, I may or may not have forgotten to explain what the fated was and had to edit that in😅

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-Aaaa I am at thirteen chapters and I haven't even gotten halfway through the story😩
-Also don't they look hot😳
-Also while editing this, I may or may not have forgotten to explain what the fated was and had to edit that in😅

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