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Shoto walked out with his group of friends talking and laughing quietly. As they approached the gate, Shoto took notice of the blonde alpha who was leaning against the wall and speaking to his red haired friend.

When Katsuki noticed Shoto and his group of friends he said goodbye to the red headed alpha and walked over.

"You ready IcyHot?" The alpha asked. Shoto received strange looks from his friends but nodded nonetheless.

"Alright come on." Katsuki turned, walking towards Shoto's house. The omega followed behind the alpha after saying goodbye to his friends. Once they rounded a corner Katsuki reached out to grab the smaller male's hand.

As their skin made contact a wave of shocks rushed through their bodies. Shoto gasped and snatched his hand away with a noticeably confused face but Katsuki just froze, his face holding no particular emotion.

"What was that?" Shoto asked quietly. Katsuki didn't answer but grabbed Shoto's hand and practically dragged him away. The waves of electricity coming from their small touches made Katsuki's inner alpha go crazy but the blonde refused to acknowledge it.

The tension was thick as they walked but Shoto decided he didn't want to question the male or make him any madder then he seemed to be.

Once Katsuki pulled Shoto to his front door, the alpha finally looked at Shoto. He started to notice things he shouldn't and it annoyed him. He took notice of how pretty Shoto's eyes looked in the evening sun, or how full and kissable his lips look.

"Thank you for walking me home Bakugo." Shoto gave the male a soft, nearly unnoticeable smile.

Katsuki forced his eyes off of the smaller male's lips and grunted. "Whatever. I'll meet you here in the morning."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that." Shoto didn't want Katsuki to go out of his way or inconvenience himself for his sake.

"I'm courting you, I'm not going to let an omega wander around by themselves. Got that kitten?" The nickname made blush climb up the back of Shoto's neck and rest on his cheeks.

"Y-Yes.." Shoto murmured softly, downcasting his eyes.

Katsuki looked around, not wanting to look at the omega, especially not after what happened earlier.

"Alright then, I'm going to go. You have my number, call me if you need anything." With that, Katsuki turned, throwing up his hand as he walked away.

Shoto stood at his front door with a blistering red face for a moment before opening the door and being met with his sister's wide grin.

"Is that him?" She asked, smiling brightly. Shoto nodded and tried to hide his red face.

"Yeah that's him..." Fuyumi squealed and dragged her brother inside.

"You did so good, Shoto! You got such a handsome alpha!" Fuyumi gave her brother a tight hug. Shoto blushes at the thought of Katsuki being his alpha, this was just a temporary arrangement but Fuyumi didn't have to know that.

"Hmm? You met his alpha? Damn I wanted to meet him.." Natsuo's tone said otherwise.

Shoto gave his older brother a glare, "Natsuo he's coming over Friday, do not start anything." Shoto gave his brother a warning glare. Natsuo huffed and crossed his arms but silently agreed.

Fuyumi giggled and grabbed her younger brother's arm. "Should invite Hamari to keep him in check?" Fuyumi suggested. Natsuo looked a bit skeptical, knowing his father didn't exactly like his mate.

"I don't know..I'll ask her." Natsuo murmured walking away. Fuyumi grinned at her younger brother and dragged him away. Shoto's was tired of being dragged around.

Shoto relaxed around the house until the late hours of the night. Natsuo had gone to his mate's home and the rest of the people in the house were asleep. All but Shoto who was awake and staring at the moon.

The omega held two bottles in his hand, the pills his sister gave him and the pills Recovery Girl gave him.

Recovery Girl told him not to take the female pills as they were stronger and not made for a male omega's body. But they helped better with suppressing heat and his scent.

Shoto sighed and tossed the male pill bottle on the bed. He had decided not to listen to recovery girls warnings and he counties to take the female ones. He knew his father would blow up if people found out Shoto was an omega.

Recovery Girl warned that taking the female pills could mess up his heat cycle, making it come too quickly or be pushed back. Taking them can also lower Shoto's chances of having children, not like he really wanted to. The kids would just be pawns in his father's sick game no matter how hard Shoto would try to stop it.

Plus, people were going to figure out eventually so why not keep taking the female pills? All alphas go through a growth spurt that Shoto would not receive. Shoto will also go into heat one of these days.

That's what worried Shoto. If he went into heat in public he would be in danger. His father refused to let him wear the collars made to protect omegas.

Shoto sighed once more and stared at the moon. He popped two pills in his mouth and swallowed them dry, shuddering at the gross taste.

The dual haired omega finally got off the window seal and walked over to his bed where the other pill bottle was located. He picked it up and dropped it in the trash can next to his bed.

Finally the male slipped into bed and stared at the ceiling. Slowly, sleep started to get the best of him and soon he was swallowed by darkness.

-Why did this take me two days to write but it's so short? -My Wattpad is freaking glitching out😃-This is my fifth time trying to post this but Wattpad is playing games

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-Why did this take me two days to write but it's so short?
-My Wattpad is freaking glitching out😃
-This is my fifth time trying to post this but Wattpad is playing games

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