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Ever since the weird spark between Shoto and Katsuki, weird things have been happening to the omega.

Shoto took notice of how much shorter he had gotten. What sense did that make? You're supposed to get taller but nope not Shoto, he's gotten smaller. Almost the same height as Izuku.

Shoto was also annoyed to see that his muscle was basically nonexistent. His stomach was flat and his abs were gone. Not like it changed his strength level, it just didn't show off how much work he put into his training.

Shoto laid his head against the tree behind him. Once again his mind was running in circles, questions forming with no one to answer them. It was giving him a headache.

"What's on your mind?" Shoto nearly jumped out of skin at the sound of a sort of familiar voice. Shoto's bi colored eyes met dark brown eyes.

"Oh...hello Shindo." Shoto mumbled awkwardly. Yo laughed softly and gestured to the spot next to Shoto.

"May I sit here?" He asked with a smile. Shoto nodded and scooted over a bit. Yo sat next to him and pulled his legs to his chest, letting his eyes wander over to the omega next to him.

"So, what's on your mind? You looked stressed." Yo kept his eyes on Shoto as the omega fiddled with his fingers.

"Nothing much, just a few weird things have been happening." Shoto felt extremely awkward sitting next to the dark haired alpha.

Yo raised his eyebrow, silently asking Shoto to continue. "My body has been changing...it's really weird."

Yo nodded softly, he didn't exactly know what to tell the omega. So instead he suggested the male goes to the nurse. Shoto refused and Yo gave up with a chuckle and a shake of his head.

They talked for a while, Shoto slowly got distracted and found he enjoyed talking to Yo. The male was actually quite friendly, even though he could be prideful at times.

"You know Shoto, I know you and Explodo Boy aren't really in a courtship." Yo said off handedly. Shoto tried to hide the shock on his face and instead pulled his usual blank stare.

"How would you know that?" Shoto asked, pulling his legs towards his chest and resting his heads on his knees.

"It's sort of obvious, you know how alphas are. You'd be marked up, whether he mated with you or not. We like to show when something belongs to us." Yo closed his eyes with a smirk resting on his lips.

"Plus, you don't smell like him. You've been around him for a while so I can sort of smell him on you, but he hasn't scent marked you. If I was courting you, I would've definitely scent marked you, hell even marked you, by now."

Shoto felt his cheeks heat up as Yo casually opened his eyes and winked at the omega. The omega huffed and looked away.

As he stared at the park and the scenery around them, he noticed a flash of red and pink. A pink haired girl and a red headed boy were walking in front of three other people.

He immediately noticed who they were. Eijirou, Mina, Hanta, Denki and of course, Katsuki. Mina was waving her hands wildly and yelling about whatever they were talking about while Kirishima walked backwards talking to Kaminari who's smaller frame was nearly unseeable because of the red head's larger frame.

Sero was talking with an annoyed looking Katsuki. The blonde alpha had his usual scowl and his hands were shoved in his pockets.

As they neared, Mina noticed Shoto, but because of their position, they couldn't see Yo.

"Hey Todoroki!" The pink haired omega cheered skipping over to him. The closer she got the slower she came towards them.

"Oh...and hey stranger!" Mina smiles but the awkwardness was evident. Yo lifted his hand and waved.

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