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Shoto was extremely confused. In a second he was practically shoved out of the way and the raven haired girl jumped on Katsuki.

She had wrapped her legs around Katsuki's waist and her arms around his neck. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, tears starting to form in her chocolate brown eyes.

The alpha caught her so she wouldn't fall. He gasped slightly as a wave of shocks ran through his body. They were dull but he could still feel them tingling his sun kissed skin.

"Oh my god! I missed you so much!" Kaori cried, tightening her grip on Katsuki's shirt.

The blonde didn't know how to react. He was shocked and confused.

After a while of silence, he pulled her back to look into her eyes. His face made her think he was upset so a small whimper fell from her lips.

"I thought you died." Katsuki murmured. Kaori laughed sadly and smiled.

"No. Almost but not quite." Kaori said quietly. Katsuki nodded somewhat in a daze. He placed her back on her feet and looked away.

Shoto was standing off to the side still very confused and now feeling extremely out of place. He decided to shuffle away and let the two catch up or whatever they were doing.

He moved so they couldn't see him and walked away, not knowing where to go. As he made his way through the crowd he saw a familiar head of light pink hair.

Abigail turned and groaned loudly. "Oh just fucking great. Why the hell are you here?"

"Uhm Katsuki invited me." Shoto said, shifting from foot to foot.

"Sure. Where is your lover boy anyway?" Abigail asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"Well, he's talking with some girl...Kaori I think." Abigail's eyes went wide, before a devilish smile grew across her face.

"Oh would you look at that?" Abigail said, circling Shoto.

"What?" Shoto hissed, beginning to get annoyed.

"You've been replaced, his real mate is back. Now there's no need for you." Abigail purred, placing her hands on Shoto's shoulders.

Shoto went tense and he clenched his jaw. He shoved Abigail's arms off of him and walked away. He moved through the crowd until he made it to the back door. Shoto slipped outside where a few people were standing and talking.

He walked into the wooded area so he could be by himself. As he stepped outside, the cold winters air wrapped around his body. He suppressed a shiver and walked to a more secluded area. When Shoto was finally alone, he let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

He felt dizzy, his mind was racing. Was he a replacement? Is he being replaced with that girl? Was this all some sick joke Katsuki was pulling?

Shoto let his mind race as he sank to the floor. He continued to let his doubts and worries take over his mind and soon Shoto plummeted into a pit of dark thoughts.

He pulled his legs to his chest and sighed softly. He can trust Katsuki right? He should trust him.

But then again...they weren't even official. Shoto wasn't even sure if their courtship was actually a courtship. Katsuki only agreed to save Shoto's ass. He doesn't really have any ties to Shoto. He could easily leave the omega whenever he chose too.

Shoto was so distracted by his own thoughts, he didn't hear someone approaching him. Only when they spoke did Shoto realize they were there.

"Hey, what are you doing out here all by your lonesome?" An unfamiliar voice asked. Shoto looked up slowly and met the yellow eyes of the brunette from earlier.

"Shoto right? I'm Daito Nakamura, I think I've told you that." The brunette smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah that's me, and yes we met earlier." Shoto said quietly.

Daito gestured to the spot next to Shoto, silently asking permission to sit next to the omega. Shoto nodded, tilting his head. They sat in a slightly awkward silence for a while before Daito spoke up.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you something." Shoto glanced at the male next to him quietly.

"And that is?" Shoto raised an eyebrow at the nervous look on Daito's face.

"Well what's the relationship between you and Kat? Not to be rude or anything, just curious." Daito did with slight hesitation.

Shoto looked at the ground and sighed, "It's complicated. We're in a courtship of sorts."

Daito raised an eyebrow, "Strange, Kat always said he never wanted to court a beta."

Shoto laughed quietly, "I'm not a beta, I'm an omega." Shoto loves the neck of his sweater to show his collar. Daito's eyes went wide and he sputtered out apologies.

"It's fine, I get that a lot." Shoto giggled at Daito's panicked and bright red face.

Daito nodded, another question on his mind. "Hey, did Kat tell you that you were his...fated?"

Shoto's stomach turned and his breath hitched. "Yeah..."

Daito went pale and his face filled with sympathy. He knew that there was a chance that Katsuki would go back to his first and actual destined mate.

"I'm so sorry for asking." Daito said with a soft shake of his head. Shoto shrugged, pretending as if he wasn't hurting inside.

Over the few months that Katsuki had been 'courting' him, he has grown to trust the alpha. And he dare say, love him. It's dumb but he's been feeling strange whenever he was around the alpha. It makes his heart flutter or butterflies form in his stomach.

Shoto's feelings for the blonde only grew after that night.

Now he's about to lose everything. Because he wasn't even supposed to be with Katsuki in the first place.

-sorry for not posting, I had a birthday party and I was setting it up too

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-sorry for not posting, I had a birthday party and I was setting it up too.
-I didn't feel comfortable writing around my nosy ass aunts and cousins😒(I really didn't even want to be there but sure whateva)

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