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Shoto felt horrible. It was six in the morning and Shoto was in a world of pain.

He was drenched in sweat, barely wearing any clothes, only a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Shoto was huffing constantly, clenching at the sheets around him. He felt horrible. Like his body was on fire.

You'd think having a fire quirk would make him immune to heat. But this was new, it felt like his blood was lava and when it coursed through his veins it sent a wave of heat and pain over his body. His flesh felt like it was melting, the sweat prickling his body felt like tiny needles. It didn't help the fact that Shoto's throat felt like it was closing, not allowing air through. This left him a panting, sweating, gasping mess.

He let out a whine as something cold slid down his leg.

The dual haired omega was so focused on trying to stop the pain, that he didn't notice his door swinging open.

Tsuyu, Ochaco and Kyoka rushed into his room. The purple haired girl stumbled back and covered her nose.

"Only shit dude!" She yelled, a look of shock crossing her facial features.

"Oh my gosh! Todoroki are you okay!?" Ochaco yelled, her hands gripping her hair.

Shock finally took notice to them and tried to move, only to hiss in pain and collapse once more. Tsuyu rushed off to get the teachers and Recovery Girl.

Kyoka and Ochaco both tried to sooth and guide Shoto through the pain of his first heat. Ochaco has to stop herself from saying 'I told you so' because she did indeed inform Shoto that because he took the wrong type of pills, his first heat would be a nightmare.

After what felt like hours, the teachers and Tsuyu rushed into his room. Recovery Girl immediately demanded the three omega girls leave.

Recovery Girl quickly began to look over Shoto's body. She figured he didn't listen to what she had told him to do.

"Hmm..alright." She reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle.

She helped Shoto sit up and let him lay against the headboard. She waved to one of the teachers behind her and asked them to get her a bottle of water. They nodded and ran off.

When they returned they quickly gave Recovery Girl the bottle. She helped Shoto take fast working heat pills before pushing the others out.

Shoto felt a rush of relief course through his veins. A soft sigh left his mouth and he closed his eyes.

"Now Todoroki. Have you been taking the female pills?" Recovery Girl asked, raising her eyebrows. Shoto shook his head.

"No not recently. Uraraka took them." Shoto muttered. Recovery Girl nodded with a sigh.

"Well I'm glad those girls found you. We could smell your heat halfway down the hallway." Recovery Girl noted.

"You'll have to miss school for about three days, only your omega friends are allowed to be in here with you. And after you are done with your heat, you will have to go to the hospital for a check up."

"A check up? For what?" Shoto pulled his knees to his chest and looked at the grey haired woman.

"You have been taking female suppressants, they aren't made for a male omega's body. It is a chance that your uterus is unusable. You may now be unfertile." Shoto didn't react, he didn't want children anyway.

"Oh. Alright." Was all that Shoto could say. Recovery Girl gave him a piece of candy and said goodbye.

Shoto sat there quietly, not knowing what to do with himself. His inner omega was whining and whimpering. Shoto's inner alpha yearned for an alpha, any alpha. Shoto squirmed and huffed as his skins started to heat up again, not as bad as earlier but it was still annoying.

He guessed that he wouldn't be fighting Abigail after all.

Shoto started to move on his own accord, grabbing blankets and other soft things before making himself a comfy nest in his bed. He decided to grab a few things Katsuki had forgotten or that Shoto had 'borrowed' and added them to the nest. He slipped into the dark red jacket that he had taken from the blonde alpha and sat in the nest with a hum.

He kept his phone and headphones in the nest with him, texting his friends and explaining that he would be gone for a few days and would most likely be back at schools Tuesday.

And yes, he did get an I told you so from Ochaco.

-I'm still sleepy😑 -I kinda don't know if this story is making sense

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-I'm still sleepy😑
-I kinda don't know if this story is making sense...is it? I feel like I'm jumping all over the place

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