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"You heard him." Abigail's smirk widened, "Do you forfeit omega?"

Shoto kept his eyes on her, what she didn't know was that he was slowly slipping his hand down towards her other leg. She only noticed what was happening when he wrapped his fingers around her ankle and tugged.

Her knees buckled and she hit the ground, landing on top of Shoto. He grunted but acted quickly. He grabbed her leg and wrapped his legs around her leg and pulled it. He placed his foot in the lower half of her back and applied pressure.

She cried and tried to pull away by activating her quirk. Unfortunately for her, this is what Shoto had hoped for as he activated his ice quirk and kept his hand wrapped around her ankle.

The fire and melted the ice and water seeped down Abigail's leg sending a horrid burning over the area. She started to struggle harder but Shoto refused to let go. He was kicked on the arms, in the face, the chest but he didn't stop. He refused to let her go.

"Abigail Yamamoto, do you forfeit?" Shoto asked, seeing as Toshinori and his classmates were all in shock.

Abigail didn't answer and only glared at him making Shoto tighten his grip. She cried out, suppressing a scream.

"Do you forfeit!?" Shoto yelled, his anger getting the best of him.

"Fuck! Yes just stop you bicth!" At this point the pain was almost unbearable and Shoto adding more pressure didn't make anything better. She was sure that she would still have marks years down the line from this.

Shoto let her go and moved so that she could get up. He stood up and dusted himself off.

"Never underestimate omegas. Especially me." Shoto said before walking back towards the shocked crowd.

It wasn't unnatural for alphas to pick fights with omegas but it was unlikely that the omega would win. Everyone was shocked, even though Abigail was smaller than him, she was still strong. But Shoto proved he was stronger.

Shoto didn't say a word as he slumped to Recovery Girl's office. He was in pain, he was dizzy, but he won. He won his alpha and that's all that mattered.

"Oi! IcyHot!" Shoto stopped and glanced over his shoulder. Katsuki had a bandage on his cheek from he and Izuku's fight and his arm was wrapped up.

"Yes Bakugo?" Katsuki approached him and gave him a serious look.

"What was that about?" Katsuki asked. Shoto raised an eyebrow.

"What?" The dual haired male huffed. Shoto really wasn't in the mood to be interrogated. He was battered and bruised, his nose was bleeding and just wanted to get things taken care off so he could sleep.

"You and Abigail. That fight, you two looked pissed. And you didn't stop when All Might told you to." Katsuki said, sticking his hands in his pockets.

Shoto gave him a confused look. Did he get told to stop? He didn't remember hearing Toshinori saying anything.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Shoto grumbled, his cheeks turning light pink. It dawned on him that he had gotten jealous. He didn't want to lose because losing meant losing Katsuki. He was angry and jealous. He let that control him.

"Don't play dumb Half n' Half." Katsuki said in a warning tone. Shoto's face burned even more and he looked away.

"Can we talk later? I feel like I'm about to faint." Shoto breathed. Katsuki's eyes widened and he started to feel worried.

The blonde didn't say a word but he bent down. Confusion was evident on Shoto's face as he looked down at the male. Katsuki wrapped his arms around Shoto's legs and picked the omega up effortlessly.

Shoto shrieked as he was tossed over Katsuki's shoulder.

"B-Bakugo put me down!" Shoto was spluttering and his face was bright red. Katsuki didn't seem to care that people in the halls were staring at them as he started off towards Recovery Girl's office.

About halfway there, Katsuki got annoyed with Shoto's squirming so he smacked the omega's thigh drawing another shriek from him.

"O-Ow! Don't hit me!" Shoto growled, hitting Katsuki's back. He wasn't hitting him hard because he was tired and didn't want to hurt him but he was hitting him hard enough to get his point through.

Katsuki ignored this and casually carried Shoto into Recovery Girl's office.

"Oh hello..?" Recovery Girl said with a confused smile. Katsuki moved Shoto and finally put him down.

Recovery Girl's eyebrows raised, "Oh my..how did this happen?"

"Training." Shoto muttered.

Shoto had a pretty big bruise on his face along with scratches from being kicked in the face multiple times. He had burn marks on his arms, mostly on his left side. His nose was bleeding from him being thrown to the floor and a bruise on his forehead too.

His body was delicate, all omega's bodies are delicate. With Shoto's quirk being as strong as it is and the beating he gave Abigail and took from her, his body was exhausted.

"Oh dear. I thought I told that man to be gentle with the omegas." She whispered an annoyed look crossing her face.

Recovery Girl did what she could to heal Shoto's wounds without drawing too much energy from him. His nose was broken so she fixed that and as many burn marks that she thought would leave scars as she could.

By the time she was done, Shoto was close to passing out.

"And you're done, also, have you scheduled an appointment with a doctor yet? If not then I have a doctor I think you should see." Recovery Girl said, wrapping up Shoto's arm.

"No..I haven't set an appointment." Shoto murmured.

"Alright then, She's an omegan doctor, Hamari Aoki. I've sent a few of my omega students to her, she's good at what she does."

Shoto perked you at the sound of his brother's mate. He hadn't seen Hamari in a while. He did know she had her baby because Natsuo and Fuyumi sent a horde of pictures of the new baby girl.

"Does that sound okay?" Recovery Girl asked. Shoto nodded.

"Alrighty then, you're free to go." Shoto stood and walked towards Katsuki, who was silent the entire time.

"IcyHot, come to my dorm." Katsuki grunted, still looking down with his arms crossed.

"Uhm...okay? Sure." Shoto said with a smile, definitely noticing Katsuki's ears turning red.

"Cute..." Shoto whispered, smiling softly.

-And I oop🤭-This is probably the longest story I've ever written and I'm just barely halfway done

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-And I oop🤭
-This is probably the longest story I've ever written and I'm just barely halfway done.
-I aLsO foRgOt aBouT tHe fUlL mOoN tHiNg sO ImA jUst mOve It
-It's still gonna happen but not when Kirishima said it would(like I said, I'm making this up as I go)

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