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It has been a week since Yo and Katsuki's fight and something weird is happening. Shoto has noticed people looking at him weirdly and whispering when he was around. This confused the male immensely.

He had no idea what was happening or why people were giving him such strange looks. It could've had something to do with the two alphas fight but why would people be talking about Shoto?

The male was so lost in thought that he hadn't realized he had taken a wrong turn on the way to his new dorm. That was until he ran right into something, or, someone.

Being distracted, Shoto wasn't ready for impact and he stumbled backwards, dropping the box he was holding. Shoto looked up from the ground and into the greyish blue eyes of Neito Monoma.

The blonde gives Shoto his signature and extremely obnoxious smile.

"Well well well. Isn't it class 2-a's little omega." Shoto felt his body tense and his eyes widened slightly.

How would he know that? Why would Neito, of all people, know Shoto was an omega? Nobody but the people he has trusted to tell should know his secret.

Neito's smirk widened and his eyes narrowed. "So~where's your little boy toy?" Neito asked casually, picking up the box Shoto had dropped and handing it back to Shoto.

Shoto gritted his teeth and took the box. "Don't call him that. And Bakugo is busy." Neito hummed, keeping his mischievous smile on his face.

"Hmm..not a very good alpha I see." Neito looked at Shoto who raised an eyebrow. "Why would he leave a gem like you all alone?"

Neito slipped his finger under Shoto's chin and lifted his head so that they were once again making uncomfortable eye contact.

"Get off me." Shoto growled, twisting his body so that he could get away from Neito. Shoto turned and tried to walk away, but Neito was having none of it and grabbed Shoto's arm, dragging him into an empty classroom.

"What the fu-" The door slammed behind the omega and his box was snatched from his hand.

"I know you're not being courted by that boy you of yours." Neito purred. Shoto flinched and tried to get the male off of him.

"You don't know anything about me Monoma. I would like for you to leave me alone now." Shoto growled.

What was up with Shoto and dragging crazy alphas towards him? Gosh it was annoying.

"Oh but I do." Neito lifted Shoto's head to make the shorter male look at him.

"Fuck. Off." Shoto hissed, getting annoyed with this whole situation. Being an omega was a huge pain.

"I don't think I will." Neito purred, leaning down to kiss Shoto's pale neck. This sent a chill up the omega's spine. The distress signals were flowing off the omega like a wave and he tried to remove the male from his body.

He activated his ice quirk and froze Neito's arm, only to see the ice begin to melt. Shoto squeaked, forgetting about Neito's copy quirk.

Neito bit Shoto's neck softly and kissed the spot. He continued to place small kisses on the omega's neck. It was until Neito bit a certain spot that got Shoto to react the way Neito wanted.

Shoto's breath hitched and his back arched as Neito bit into a certain spot right above his scent glands. A soft whimper fell from his lips and he shut his eyes tightly, hoping Neito would get off him.

Neito left multiple noticeable hickeys on the omega's skin. Then, after being satisfied, Neito pulled away with a smirk.

"Now people will know that you're taken." Neito said with a smug smile. "And maybe that blonde alpha of yours will fuck off."

Shoto glared at him and scoffed. "I don't belong to anyone."

Neito smiled widely. "That's what you think."

-Take this random picture because apparently they are actually a ship-UwU why are people reading this shit? It's clear I have no idea what I'm doing-This took me forever to write but it's so short😰

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-Take this random picture because apparently they are actually a ship
-UwU why are people reading this shit? It's clear I have no idea what I'm doing
-This took me forever to write but it's so short😰

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