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Shoto stormed towards his house, he was extremely pissed. How could they embarrass him in public like that? Why were they arguing any way? How childish could they be?

"Dammit! IcyHot slow down!" Katsuki yelled from behind the angered omega. Shoto glared over his shoulder at the alpha and continued to walk.

"Fuck! Half n' Half stop! Please!" His word choice made Shoto freeze. He has never heard Katsuki Bakugo say please before.

With a huff the omega turned, glaring at the alpha in front of him. "What?" Shoto said with an exasperated sigh.

"Look IcyHot...I'm sorry.." Katsuki's face looked like he was in pain just by apologizing which made Shoto want to both laugh and punch him. But instead, he sighed and shook his head.

"Look...Bakugo I really don't want you to do something like that in front of my family. I don't think we should keep this courtship going." Shoto murmured.

At this point, Katsuki and Shoto have been in a courtship for a month. The dinner with his family was funny but awkward, but his father couldn't deny that Katsuki was a good alpha. Well, when he wasn't yelling at the top of his lungs.

But Shoto's father did say that if Katsuki and him stop their courtship then he would have to sign the marriage agreement with Yo.

Katsuki slowly wrapped his arms around Shoto's waist. "Look, I can't tell you now, but you'll find out eventually why I can't leave your side. And I'll be damned if I let you marry that black haired idiot." Katsuki growled at the thought of his omega mating with someone else.

Shoto huffed, puffing out his cheeks in a way that made Katsuki's heart melt. Katsuki chuckled softly at how his omega could accidentally be so adorable.

"Fine! But if you do anything like that again, I won't hesitate to hurt you." Shoto threatened. Katsuki laughed but nodded nonetheless.

"I promise, now let me walk you home." Katsuki let go of Shoto's waist and grabbed his hand instead. Shoto gave the male a bright smile and nodded as they walked from their spot on the sidewalk. Luckily there weren't many people out so their little conversation wasn't heard.

The walk to Shoto's home was filled with surprisingly casual and comfortable conversation. Shoto was amused to find that Katsuki was a really funny guy and his smile was contagious. The explosive male also told really good jokes.

They were so entranced and engaged in conversation that they almost walked past Shoto's home.

"Oh wait." Shoto let out a quiet giggle and backed up a bit. "We passed my house."

Katsuki looked up and chuckled. "Oh, I guess we did." Shoto smiled and walked to the gate in front of his home.

"Yo Todoroki, are you planning on moving in the dorms?" Katsuki asked nonchalantly. Shoto glanced at the house then back at the alpha.

"Maybe, if my father will allow it." Katsuki nodded softly and turned, waving goodbye to the dual haired omega.

Shoto smiled softly, feeling his face start to heat up and his stomach fluttered. The omega quickly made his way inside and towards his room.

Once his door shut behind him, Shoto let out a loud sigh.

"Oh my god. I embarrassed myself in front of him!" Shoto covered his face, not taking notice of his fire quirk activating.

Shoto wanted to jump off a cliff. He turned into a purring whimpering mess in front of Katsuki. The guy who he was slowly developing a crush on! How could he be so stupid? It was just something about Katsuki's scent that made him want to submit to the blonde. Their small touches over the month have made Shoto use to the shocks and stings but they still make Shoto's heart flutter.

Shoto sank to the floor and let out a satisfied hum. He felt woozy just thinking about the alpha. Something about the male was captivating. Just seeing him took Shoto's breath away.

When Katsuki wasn't yelling it scowling at someone then he was truly handsome and strangely beautiful. Shoto had to stop himself from staring at the alpha in class.

Jeez, he really has fallen hard. But something in Shoto's mind told him that Katsuki was only courting him so that he wouldn't be sold off to some random alpha. Once Shoto turned nineteen, he would be on his own.

Nothing new.

-This chapter is confusing and shitty🙃

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-This chapter is confusing and shitty🙃

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