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The ride to the Bakugo's vacation home was funny to say the least.

Katsuki and his mother argued constantly. Sometimes Shoto and Marasu would try to calm them down, only to be told to shut up.

Shoto found it funny that you could set the two off with just one simple word. It was quite obvious who Katsuki took after.

They were kind enough to quiet down when Shoto fell asleep. That was a surprise.

Now they all stood in front of a large house, a few different cars were parked out front and Shoto could hear people laughing from the back.

Before anyone could say something, Katsuki was flung to the floor. A giant brown wolf lay on top of him. Katsuki growled and a flash of light surrounded his body before he was also turned into his giant blonde wolf.

The two growled, tossing and turning. Shoto shrunk back, taking refuge behind Marasu.

"Katsuki!  Daito! Don't fight! Jeez you fucking brats." Mitsuki growled, standing above the two of them.

They both stopped and stared at her. The brown wolf, presumably  Daito, got off of Katsuki. Katsuki on the other hand growled but got up anyway.

Still in his wolf form, Katsuki trotted over to Shoto and nuzzled the omega's hand with his snout. Shoto went stiff for a moment before gently brushing Katsuki's snout.

Daito turned back into his human form and smiled sheepishly.

"Ah Hello, sorry aunt Mitsuki."  Daito said lowering his head in an apologetic way.

"It's fine just don't do it again you little shits." Mitsuki said with a shake of her head.

Daito took notice of the bicolored male who was still carefully petting Katsuki's head. The brunette walked over to the two with a slight smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Daito Nakamura, pleasure to meet you." The brunette held out his hand. Shoto took it with a slight bow and an awkward smile.

"Shoto Todoroki," Daito looked a bit startled.

"Todoroki? As in the pro hero Endeavor's son? Wow."

Shoto resisted the urge to roll his eyes and retracted his hand. "That's me..I guess."

"Well let's not just stand here, let's go in." Marasu said, grabbing his wife's hand. The group headed inside of the large house and were immediately greeted by cheers or enthusiastic hellos.

Katsuki had gone back to his human form and had Shoto pulled close to him. Shoto was vaguely aware of the soft growling coming from Katsuki.

"What's the matter?" Shoto asked quietly, glancing up at the taller male. As Katsuki looked down, Shoto saw that his ruby red irises were at least a shade darker than normal.

"All these people are touching you, I don't like it." Katsuki murmured, glaring at the next person who even tried to speak to them.

Katsuki wasn't okay with just anyone touching Shoto. He was hardly okay with people he knew touching the omega, he'd be damned if he let a stranger touch the dual haired male.

Shoto shook his head and placed a small kiss on Katsuki's cheek. "Calm down love, it's fine." Katsuki couldn't disagree more with that sentiment. Something inside of the alpha made him want to protect the omega even more then usual.

The two navigated through the house of strange and familiar faces. Shoto was starting to get uncomfortable and hot in the stuffy areas. That's when the smaller male bumped right into someone.

Both of them stumbled then looked at each other. Shoto was almost mesmerized by the young woman's beauty.

She had big round chocolate brown eyes with light brown skin. Her hair was a deep black that stopped and rested on her shoulders. She gave Shoto a slight smile.

"I'm so sorry!" She chuckled.

"Ah no...it's my fault." Shoto muttered, adjusting his collar and smiling at the unnamed girl.

Shoto felt a presence behind him and he went to turn. He raised an eyebrow at Katsuki who was staring at the girl in shock.

"Katsuki?" The girl asked, looking shocked as well.


-This is short and unedited but I'm tired, I'll edit it in the morning

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-This is short and unedited but I'm tired, I'll edit it in the morning

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