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If Shoto could explain his experiences with pregnancy of the past two months he would say three words.

It fucking sucks.

He's always throwing up, he has to pee what seems like every five minutes, he can barely eat anything he actually liked and he's emotional all the time. It's exhausting.

Shoto found comfort in being alone and reading out loud. Don't get him wrong, he's thankful for all the help and support he's received from the few people he's told, but he just likes to be alone. Or as alone as you can be with a person growing inside of you.

Over these two exhausting months Shoto found himself growing attached to the little person inside of him. It was a strange change of heart but something told him that giving the baby away would hurt worse ten times worse then any beating he's ever endured.

Plus, his main motivation for not keeping the baby was so that he could still strive to be a hero. But, he can still be a hero with a kid. Lots of pros do it. Plus that whole 'Be better then All Might' thing was his father's idea. Shoto would rather be happy than risking his life for people who didn't give a rats ass about him.

Shoto was currently laying on his bed, reading one of his favorite books. Out loud of course. Only when his phone began to ring did he place the book down.

When he saw it was an unknown number, he let it ring until the call ended. He expected that to be it but he was wrong. His phone started to ring again, the same unknown number.

He pulled an annoyed face. Who was this person and why were they being so persistent? As the phone rang again he picked it up and pressed the answer button.

"What?" He snapped, not bothering to be nice to the person who kept calling the wrong number.

"Is this Shoto Todoroki?" The female's voice asked. Shoto raised his eyebrows.

"Yes? That's me, who is this?" Shoto moved so that he was sitting up straight. Maybe they weren't calling the wrong number.

The person on the other line went silent for a moment before answering, "Kaori Ito.."

Shoto's face contorted into one of annoyance and anger. "And why the hell are you on my phone?"

When she didn't answer, Shoto huffed and went to hang up. But just as he was about to, she started to speak again.

"Wait! Don't hang up please! I need to talk to you." She said, desperation clear in her voice.

"Why the hell would you need to talk to me?" Shoto's voice was harsh and uncaring. He truly didn't understand why she would want to talk to him.

"It's about Katsuki." She mumbled. Shoto let out a dry laugh and shook his head.

"Why are you calling me about that bastard? I'm not his parent, if something's wrong with him you're telling the wrong person. Talk to his mother or something." Shoto grunted.

"No no! Auntie can't help him! Only you can!" Kaori cried. Her distress was obvious from the sound of her voice.

Shoto didn't respond, he stared at his bed for a minute before looking back at the phone.

"How so?" Shoto was actually starting to get worried.

"Well...ever since you left, he's been miserable. His eyes haven't brightened in almost two months. It's making a physical effect on him. I'm sure you've noticed."

Now that Shoto thinks about it, Katsuki had been acting differently lately. Ever since they got back in school, he's been oddly quiet or way more aggressive then usual. It also seemed like he'd given up on being the number one hero. He doesn't train as much and when they fight he seems all too eager for it to be over. He never even complained when he lost.

"I know he made a mistake. It was my fault anyway, I know he messed up but please don't blame him!" Kaori spoke quietly.

"He did what he did. It's his fault he's hurting." Shoto said in his usual cold way. Kaori shook her head, not believing someone could be so cold hearted.

"I said it was my fault! I was so sure that I was what he needed and I was jealous of you and his relationship! So...that night I got him super drunk...he thought I was you..he kept calling your name. But when he saw you at the door, it all clicked. When you left he screamed at me and told me that I ruined his life. He won't even talk to me anymore." By the time Kaori finished talking, she was sobbing.

Shoto felt his breath get caught in his throat. He felt tears fill his eyes, making them sparkle in the dim light of his room.

"Please...if you want to blame or hate anyone, blame me. Hate me. He called you the love of his life. I know I was his fated first, but you were meant to be with him. Everything happens for a reason. And him meeting you was no coincidence. He needs you more then he likes to admit."  A sad smile formed on Kaori's face as she spoke.

Shoto didn't know how to respond. He only moved the phone away from his ear and hung up without saying anything.

He felt a wave of guilt run over his body. Maybe he should've just talked to Katsuki. Then maybe none of this would've happened.

Shoto sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He stood up slowly and walked towards the door. A sudden pain shot through his side, catching him off guard.

Shoto gasped and fell, hitting his stomach on the corner of his desk. He hit the floor, attempting to catch himself.

"Fuck!" Shoto cried as pain spread throughout his lower abdomen.

The amount of noise coming from his room alerted the purple haired omega and the black haired alpha next door. They stopped mid-makeout and collected themselves quickly before running into Shoto's room.

He was attempting to get back up, but the smallest movements sent waves of pain crashing down onto his body.

"Oh my goodness!" Yaoyorozu yelled, going to help Shoto up. She and Kyoka bent down and sat Shoto up, propping him against the wall.

"What happened?" The darker haired girl asked.

"I don't know...my legs gave out." Shoto mumbled. Kyoka gave Shoto a quick look. She wanted to ask about the baby, but Shoto hadn't told anyone but the omegas in the hall. He did trust Yaoyorozu but she'd get too excited and go overboard.

"I'll go get...Bakugo, I don't think I can carry you but I'm sure he can! Recovery Girl is out, someone will have to take you to the hospital!" Before Kyoka or Shoto could stop her, Yaoyorozu rushed off.

Shoto also didn't tell her about the whole situation over the break, he did tell some bits to Kyoka but that's because it just slipped out when she asked about the blonde.

"I'm so sorry, I'll go get her." Kyoka said, standing up. Shoto grabbed her arm and shook his head.

"No...it's fine. I need to talk to him anyway." Shoto rolled his neck and tried to move again, only to get another rush of pain.

Kyoka nodded hesitantly and sat back down. "Is the baby okay?" She asked, carefully placing her hand on his stomach. Shoto hissed and she immediately removed her hand.

"I hope so.." Shoto said weakly, brushing his thumb over his baby bump.

-Sleepy Shoto💗-UwU pAiN -I had to go to the dOcToR😭

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-Sleepy Shoto💗
-UwU pAiN
-I had to go to the dOcToR😭

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