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After ten agonizing minutes, Katsuki and Yaoyorozu ran into Shoto's room. Yaoyorozu and Kyoka stepped back, though, the purple haired omega kept her eyes on the blonde.

Katsuki looked disheveled and confused. He had clearly just woken up, he wasn't wearing a shirt, showing off his muscular form and the alpha mark on his right pec. He had clear bags under his eyes, and of course his once ruby red pupils were a deep black.

Katsuki gave Shoto a hesitant look, not sure if the omega wanted him to touch him. Shoto gave Katsuki a soft nod and the alpha gently moved the omega from the ground.

Another sharp pain spread throughout Shoto's stomach and he clutched Katsuki's shirt. Shoto let out a loud cry as his stomach turned in a sickening way.

"Stop! Don't move him!" Yaoyorozu yelled, waving her hands. This was a stupid idea on her part, she should've just gotten a teacher instead of trying to fix the problem herself. Everyone in the room could clearly see that moving Shoto was a terrible idea.

"Where does it hurt?" Katsuki asked worriedly.

"M-My stomach." Shoto gasped. Katsuki nodded and gently pulled Shoto's shirt up. A large bruise was starting to form on the area and Katsuki could see the clear baby bump.

Yaoyorozu looked over Shoto's bruise and started to make cream for the mark and something to wrap it with. Kyoka had run off to find their teacher.

"Lay him down, and please be careful." Yaoyorozu instructed Katsuki to place Shoto on the bed and avoid the bruise.

Shoto groaned as he was laid on his back. Yaoyorozu gently started to apply the cream on the area and she and Katsuki wrapped it so it was as painless as possible.

Just as they finished, Kyoka and Shōta rushed into the room.

"What happened?" Shōta asked, walking up to the bed where Katsuki and Yaoyorozu stood.

"I don't know.." Yaoyorozu said, brushing a strand of hair from Shoto's face.

They looked to Shoto for answers but he only looked away. He tried to pull his shirt down so no one would see his bump. Katsuki glanced at Shoto, giving him a puzzled look.

The beta questioned the omega a bit more and made sure he was okay. This went on for about twelve minutes before Shōta, Yaoyorozu and Kyoka left. Although the purple haired omega left reluctantly.

Finally, the two were alone. It was silent. Heavy, mind breaking, silence. It was so quiet Shoto's ears began to ring.

"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked, finally breaking the terribly awkward silence. Shoto grunted and pulled his legs up slowly so that he was sitting Indian style.

Katsuki went back to looking at the ground. Shoto looked at the blonde alpha and sighed softly. With little hesitation, Shoto moved and wrapped his arms around the alpha. Katsuki's body went completely stiff and he stared at Shoto in shock.

Shoto felt relief run through his body as the familiar sparks tingled his skin. Shoto arched his back slightly to get as close to Katsuki as possible.

Unsure of what to do, Katsuki placed his hand on Shoto's lower back, pulling the omega closer to him. Shoto purred at this and nuzzled Katsuki's shoulder.

Katsuki's eyes started to lighten slightly. Going from a deep black to a soft maroon. He was confused by the omega's actions but he didn't question it. He was happy with the situation, confused, but happy he could be close to the omega again.

At this point, Shoto was practically sitting on Katsuki's lap which definitely didn't bother the alpha. Shoto's sudden change completely floored the alpha, but he chose to just let him be.

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