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Shoto could say one thing about his heat. It fucking sucked. And the after heat was just as bad. He was still leaking slick which was extremely uncomfortable and he had cramps but he could finally go back to school.

His classmates seemed excited to see him, especially his best friend Yaoyorozu. She was just gushing about finally asking Kyoka out on a date.

"And she looked so pretty! I could never rock dark colors like she does." Momo's face was bright red as she swooned over the purple haired omega.

Shoto smiled at his friend and rolled his eyes with a laugh. "You've said she was pretty about six times, I get it you're a lesbian."

Yaoyorozu glared at him and punched his arm. Shoto chuckled and the two continued to the training grounds. One their way, they ran into Isabella and Abigail. Isabella greeted them enthusiastically while Abigail ignored them.

"Hey Todoroki! Hey Momo!" Isabella threw her hands in the air. "I'm so pumped for training today!"

"Hello Isabella, Abigail, I'm kind of excited too!" Yaoyorozu said, clapping her hands.

Because there was an odd number of students with Shoto's absence, their fight was rescheduled for the day the male came back to school.

Yaoyorozu and Isabella walked ahead of Abigail and Shoto. He noticed the girl's green eyes wandering towards him.

"What?" Shoto grunted, looking down at the pinkette. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Don't forget. The winner gets Katsuki." She smiled smugly, seemingly sure she would win.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Shoto growled, walking to catch up with the girls in front of them.

They all walked out onto the field, meeting up with the rest of their classmates. Shoto separated from the group he came with and walked over to Katsuki, seeing as the male had a nasty scowl on his face.

"Hey Boom Boom Boy, what's wrong?" Shoto asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Tch, I gotta go against shitty Deku." Katsuki grumbled. Shoto shook his head and sighed.

"Don't be a baby, Midoriya isn't that bad. You should try to get along with him." Shoto said, nudging Katsuki's shoulder.

The blonde huffed and crossed his arms, a scowl still present on his face.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He muttered. Shoto smiled and looked towards the field as their teacher came out.

Apparently they chose partners while Shoto was gone and of course Abigail chose him. The two were the last group to go so Shoto had some time to wait.

He watched his classmates fighting, enjoying seeing how they have improved. He also couldn't help but notice the constant mumbling coming from his green haired friend.

Shoto stood there for who knows how long, and soon it was his turn. He huffed and walked out into the field, far away from his class.

Abigail stood at the opposite end, a smug look covering her features.

"Ready to lose omega?" She said with a cocky undertone. Shoto rolled his bicolored eyes and got into a fighting stance.

"Whatever." Shoto said in his monotone voice.

"Alright! Ready and fight!" Toshinori yelled, a large grin on his face.

Without missing a beat, Abigail rushed towards Shoto, throwing her fiery fist in Shoto's direction. Shoto easily jumped out of the way and threw a similar punch in her direction.

He sent a wave of fire towards her, but she only smirked.

"Stupid." She moved quickly, throwing Shoto off. She was faster then he thought and in an instant she was behind him punching him right in the lower back.

Shoto stumbled forward and quickly turned around, only to get a punch in the face. Shoto growled, sending a rush of ice towards the pinkette.

It coursed up her leg, freezing her in place. Abigail was so cocky that she didn't think before she activated her quirk to melt the ice.

Only when the water touched her burning skin did she realize what she did. She yelled out in pain and jumped away from Shoto.

Shoto looked confused but quickly concluded that water was Abigail's weakness.

"Oh don't get smug you fucking bitch!" She bellowed, rushing towards him again.

Shoto was ready this time and quickly formed a shield of ice around his hand before connecting it with her gut.

Abigail lurched and gagged as she stumbled back. Shoto took this opportunity and punched her right in the face. She was sent to the ground, coughing and gagging.

"Abigail Yamamoto, do you forfeit?" Toshinori asked, seeing the girl on the floor. She coughed and glared at Shoto.

She then kicked Shoto in the legs making him fall forward. Abigail reached up and grabbed Shoto's wrist and pulled with all her strength, sending the omega crashing to the ground.

Shoto's face met the hard concrete under him and he cried out in pain. He rolled over on his back and started to get up when Abigail shot up from the ground and shoved her foot against Shoto's throat. He froze and glared up at her. She smiled smugly at him.

"...Shoto Todoroki, do you forfeit?" Toshinori asked hesitantly.

Shoto didn't answer but analyzed his situation. Is this really how he was going to lose? Was he really going to lose Katsuki to this bitch?

 Is this really how he was going to lose? Was he really going to lose Katsuki to this bitch?

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-Is Shoto going to lose? Hmm? Hmmmmmmm?

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