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Chapter 1~ Wounded Hearts


"Harperrr!" Dudley shouted from the kitchen. Leading the said girl to get up from where she sat in her shared room to go downstairs, wondering what the fuss was about.

"Yes, Dudley?" She forced a smile on her lips as she tried to keep her words steady.

Reaching the kitchen to only see Dudley dumping the contents of dinner into the rubbish bin. A grin plastered on his face once he saw the girl. "When are you going to make dinner I'm getting awfully hungry?" His voice steadily got louder so his mother and father would be able to overhear the conversation.

The rustling of keys could be heard from the other room. The panic that went through both twins was instantaneous, their bodies went rigid next to one another, the confusion was replaced with fear in their eyes.

Harper snapped out of the trance first, pushing Harry into the kitchen to make a new dinner for the family. While she waited for her uncle and the punishment that was going to ensue.

Her hand was harshly yanked and dragged up the stairs to her bedroom, almost tripping up the steps, as his hand surely left a bruise. Making eye contact with Harry and giving him a slight smile, to try and make sure he didn't worry too much. The bedroom door slammed shut and the cries of his sisters were still audible from the kitchen. "Sucks to be her." A laugh left Dudley's lips.

That was almost enough for Harry to break, stopping only for Harper, not wanting her to have to deal with the consequence of his own actions. 

He told Petunia dinner was ready, as he was plating it, leading Vernon to stop the punishment.

Harry slipped a roll into his pocket for his sister, before he headed to their room to see the damage.

"harper" his voice came out rushed and quiet, as he saw the bruises forming on her back and stomach.

A light laugh escaped her lips as she lay on the bed. "Harry, I'm starving," she said pulling her shirt down blood-soaked the back of Dudley's old shirt.

He tossed the bread to her and the quick movement to grab the bread made her moan in pain. He immediately rushed over with an abundance of apologies.

"You're fine calm down, hey calm down dumbass." Hurt flashed in his eyes, as sympathy replaced hers, he immediately started to laugh.

Harry grabbed Harper a new shirt and he wrapped the old one around her back to help seep up the blood. "I'll run you a bath, once we're finished cleaning up dinner," Harry said, as he gently handed Harper one of his shirts.

A few minutes later a scream from the kitchen, made the twins jump up and hurry downstairs to clean up the reminisce of dinner.

As much as she tried to cover her limping it was still noticeable, nonetheless she helped clean up, sneaking in bites of food here and there. Harry did most of the work as he saw his sister's pain and made her just stand by the sink.

"When are the Weasleys coming" her voice only reaching Harry's ears as he looked down with pity and whispered, "Tomorrow morning" A sigh of relief came from the youngest twin not going unnoticed by the oldest.


"You okay rye?"

"Yea I'm good, can you just help me pack for tomorrow, I'm getting a little dizzy." the words barely left her mouth before he started gathering everything, making sure she stayed on the bed.

Guilt immediately filled her conscience even though she asked for help "I can help." she went to grab the notebook off the floor to give to him and fell on her head.

She stayed there for a good minute or two as Harry tried to compose himself to pick up his sister. "I'm sorry b-but th-at was in slow motion Rye." Harper went to go smack him with a pillow as he was still suffering from his laughing fit.

"Okay, maybe I can't help" She cracked a small smile of her own, while Harry finished packing up their possession.

She started to throw the pillows on the floor to make a bed. Starting to get comfortable, fluffing the pillows around her. Harry just looked at her for a minute, picked her up, and placed her back on the bed.

"You did all the chores today I get the floor, that's how this sibling thing works," she said annoyed, as she tried to get back onto the floor.

"Are you that dimwitted? I'll take the floor today, you can do all the chores tomorrow if you want." not leaving any room for discussion. He didn't want to bring up the fact that she was bruised from head to toe. He knew it made her feel weak and tiny, all he wanted to do was protect his little sister, but even when he tried she just got hurt even more.

"Goodnight Harry, I love you"

"Goodnight Rye, love you too"

*AN- (AN~ I haven't edit chapters 1-7 yet so past and present tense are mixed up quite often. I hope this doesn't make you run away :) Thank you so much for reading even with the mistakes! Chapters do get longer as well) 

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