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Chapter 19 ~ O'ffing


The silence of the hall echoed through Harper's ears as she made her way to the Gryffindor's common room like she always did on Christmas morning. Snow replaced the once-green grass, and now coated everything it touched. Harry's words rang through her head as she walked through the common room, wondering if her brother was still mad at her.

"Why are you waking me Slytherin?" The fat lady said, opening her eyes as if she hasn't already been awoken by the first years. "It's six o'clock in the morning, Miss Potter"

"We do this every year it feels like," she smirked at the portrait, "Same conversation and everything. Just let me in, so you don't have to call for Hermione and wake even more people up," she threatened the portrait.

"The things I do for you twins," She grumpily mumbled, swinging open, to be met with the hominess that the Gryffindor tower brought. The fire was on almost twenty-four-seven, one or two first years gathered around one, while Hermione sat by herself in front of the two of the three fireplaces.

"All alone?" Harper asked approaching Hermione, startling her, as she jumped out of her seat.

"Yea, Ginny's not up yet," Hermione looked up, Harper placing the presents she got the Gryffindors down in front of the fireplace.

"How are you?" Harper asked referring to last night's events, recalling her on the steps crying, after Ron yelled at her.

"It can always be better," a weak smile came from the girl. "How can a boy be such an arse?"

"I don't know Hermione," she simply shook her head, Ginny soon joining the pair from their thoughts.

"It's Christmas and the two of you look like you are going to a funeral," Ginny joked sitting in between them.

"I like to be ready for any occasion," Harper joked back to the youngest Weasley. Harper grabbed the blanket from behind her, draping it around the three of them, as they waited for the rest of their friends and family to wake.

"Is that baby Potter?" Fred asked George from the bottom of the boy's dorm stairs.

"No," Harper said, placing her head on Ginny's shoulder, trying to prepare herself for the headache that was about to ensue.

Fred and George jumped over the coach that sat the three girls and piled onto the loveseat in front of them. "You looked dashing last night, Harper," Fred said, as his brother struggled to pull him off the couch.

"Thank you Fred, but please do let your brother breathe," she motioned down where Fred held George in a headlock.

Fred let go, pushing his brother to the floor, making him place the presents at the girl's feet, Harper had only four at her feet while the others had more than eight. "Where are the boys?" George asked placing the final gift that was under the makeshift Christmas tree by Ginny's feet.

"Upstairs sleeping," Hermione answered for the group. Ginny gets up to go fetch them out of their beds to only be pushed back down by Harper and Hermione.

"We want them up, not screamed at, it's six in the morning," Harper said, pulling the girl back down, motioning for Fred to retrieve the two boys from their dorms. George immediately took Fred's seat, once he got up to go get the boys, a smirk on his face.

"Thank you, Harper," He smiled across at her, watching as she replicated his.

"It's your Christmas present," she only smirked, sinking back down into Ginny when she heard the three boys come down the dorm steps. Ron sat on the floor leaning up against the loveseat chair, never holding eye contact with Hermione or Harper for longer than a second. Harry followed suit, sitting on the armrest next to Hermione, never making eye contact with Harper. Fred sat on Harper's lap as he waited to open his presents.

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