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Chapter 3~ Apple Pie


The calmness and the smell of apple pie were the first things Harper noticed, and five other Weasleys looking at the twins. "Hello, my name is Harper Potter," she introduced herself to the closest of the older Weasley brothers, Charlie.

"Yes! My brother and I know who you guys are" looking at Bill, as grins replaced their faces, as their father entered the living room, anger presented on his face.

"That's not good" Harper whispered under her breath as she slowly left the room with Fred and George.

"Fred!" he shouted. "What on earth did you give that muggle boy?"

"See Dad I simply gave him nothing," grinning from ear to ear. "My hand slipped out of my pocket and the contents dropped. I didn't make him eat the candy." The sarcasm dripping from his mouth was evident.

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked eagerly.

"Four feet." Mr Weasly said a hint of a smile lingering on his face.

The twins and the Weasleys' roared with laughter, stopping as soon as it started, hearing their mother's voice. "Hello dears" she greeted the Potter twins with a hug and a warm smile. Her smile dropped as soon as she saw the angry face of her husband and immediately began to bombard the ginger twins. Letting Harry, Harper, Ron, and Hermione slip away with ease from the living room.

The twins once in Ron's room were bombarded with questions like normal, how their summer was if they contacted snuffles at all, and of course, if their scars gave them any pain. Harry took the lead in talking, while Harper tried to get comfortable on Rons' bed.

Once Harry was finally finished answering his friends' questions, he looked over to find his sister passed out on Rons' bed.

"She looks sick Harry." Hermione quipped up from where she was sitting on the floor, the boys watching her make her way to Harper. "She's burning up," Hermione said, pulling her hand back like she just touched actual fire.

"I think it's just doing too much today. She's been up all night, I'll wake her in an hour or two." he dismissed the topic, and every so often looked at his sister to make sure everything was okay.


Waking Harper up wasn't the easiest of tasks as she quite literally became a cocoon, and trying to decipher from the blanket and Harper was difficult. Ron had the bright idea and just started to untangle her like a cinnamon roll onto the floor.

"Ouch!" She rolled right out of the blanket, her shirt slightly lifting not covering her fully.

It was a very quick mistake that went by both friends, as Harry rushed over to pull down her shirt and picked her up from the floor. "Was that necessary?" anger laced through her voice and worry as she was not entirely sure if they noticed the bruises up and down her back from the thin piece of leather.

"It was very necessary. You know how hard it is to wake you up, especially from naps." Ron stated from the other side of the bed, picking up the mess that was just created.

She simply rolled her eyes and sat on the bed, about to go back to sleep again. This time Harry threw a pillow at the girl starting the mayhem. Feathers began to engulf the room as a pillow fight broke out. Harper slowly tried to back up so she didn't get hurt any more than she already was.

Dinner being called by Mrs. Weasley broke up the fighting between the friends. They headed downstairs out of breath and red in the face.

"That is very inappropriate to do in a full house," George said slyly winking at the four. A disgusted look appeared on all four friends, as they sat down at the table and let him know why they were all red.

"Ehh whatever you guys want to go with." he simply laughed and moved on to a different topic, filling his plate with food.

The conversation now going to the world cup and when they were leaving in the morning. Complaints were heard around the table as they didn't appreciate the time they had to wake up in the morning.

The complaints slowly died down as they started to head to bed with Harper rooming with Ginny and Hermione, while Harry went to the room with Ron. With both twins having a restless night of sleep.

{thank you if you're reading my story it means the world!}

I'm sorry this was a boring chapter:(

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