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Chapter 23 ~ N'exible


"How are you and Emily," Harper asked, as the pair overlooked the early hours of the black lake. The calm water brings peace to the two best friends, Cedric's back up against a tree while Harper lays on her stomach with a book open.

"Really good actually," the golden retriever smiled down at her, making Harper turn her full attention away from her book and back at him. "We are hanging out more and more, just like we did in the summer," he smiled thinking back to his summer memories and all the late-night talks he would have with Emily at two o'clock in the morning staring at the stars.

"Don't ever hurt her," Harper threatened slightly, turning back to her book after he had finished his rambling.

"I'll try," a sheepish smile came from his lips as he watched Harper turn her head at lightning speed.

"Try?!?" she questioned harshly, pulling back slightly, offended for Emily.

"I don't know, what happens if I die or something, that would be me hurting her I guess, and I can't control that," Cedric said, thinking about the simple statement with so much depth and interest.

"Think you are going to die or something?"

"No, just a thought," Cedric said, ruffling Harper's hair, telling her he was done with the conversation before it even truly started.

She went back to her book, reading of the tails of Nix and her child of deception, Apate. She got lost in the world once more, learning of the power the powerful family once held, only to be brought back to Cedric constantly tapping against the foot of the tree.

A light flame came from her left hand as she danced the flame up and down waiting for Cedric to notice the ember. "You really are daft," Harper whispered, making the boy turn to see the concentrated girl and the flame that emitted from her hand. "Give me a flower," Harper asked tentatively, receiving a white rose as a response, and in an instant, the flame touched the rose, the once porcelain rose became darker than Snape's soul.

"What did you just do to it," Cedric asked, taking the now black rose in his hand, examining it like it was about to get up and run away.

"Think it's poisonous now," Harper said, watching Cedric's reaction to the magic she just did. Cedric snapped out of his trance almost on cue as he looked up from the rose and locked eyes on Harper.

"Why do they do that?" Cedric asked once again, taking her hands in his this time.

"Your guess, Diggory, is as good as mine," Harper smiled, taking her hands back from his grasp. "The other day, that's what you saw, I can't control it when I'm passed out, and Harry rarely ever puts up a mental block and is somehow always angry," she looked at the boy, questioning whether he would answer why Harry is always mad.

"When did this happen," he motioned down to her hands.

"Start of this year," she said, taking off the necklace that was hiding the invasion of dark blues and blacks that cascaded down her fingertips.

The questions came spewing out from his mouth like rubbish, "so many questions Diggory but so little time to answer them," she smiled at the boy.

"At least tell me who knows so I don't bring it up around someone," Cedric said, following Harper's motions and getting up from the little hideout the pair had been in for three hours watching the sunrise.

"Just you, Harry, Ron, and Hermione," Harper said, pausing before she said the next thing, "I'm sorry I'm just telling you, it's just a curse, and I didn't want you to worry about me, but I kinda failed when you saw the flame at the owlery," Harper sheepishly said.

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