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Chapter 9 ~ A'loof


The flames inside the goblet turned red once again, with sparks beginning to fly from it. A tongue of a flame shot out of the goblet and into the air, and a charred piece of parchment fluttered out of it.

"Cedric Diggory," Dumbledore called out over the loud cheering from the Hufflepuff table. The messy brown-haired boy jumped out like a rabbit as his house followed suit. Cheers and screams could be heard all the way until he reached the chamber behind the teachers' table.

"For fucks sake," Harper said under her breath still in shock that the boy she thought of as a second brother could possibly get hurt in this stupid tournament.

Emily's face stayed neutral, almost as if those two words that rang through the Great Hall did not affect the girl. It was scary, to say the least as Harper threw a look of concern to the girl.

Dumbledore started to head back to the teacher's table to dismiss the students when the goblet once again started to turn red again with sparks of red and blue flames admitted from it again.

"Plot twist," Flynn's soft voice could be heard from the side as everyone looked at the goblet in wonder, as Dumbledore started to advance to it once again.

A burnt parchment floated down to Dumbledore as the whole Great Hall became dead silent. "Harry Potter" Dumbledore's voice broke the deadly silence over the student body.

"HARRY POTTER!" his voice came out more rushed and louder, as he scanned the crowd for the boy. Hermione pushed him forward to Dumbledore so he could grab the piece of parchment.

"Ohh look at that Potter having to be the center of attention again," Draco's voice ran through Harper's ears as she watched her brother walk behind the teacher's table just as Cedric did not even five minutes ago.

A hiss could be heard from Draco as Daphne dug her elbow into the boys' side, pointing to Harper on the verge of a mental breakdown. Her walls were slowly cracking as the two people she loved most may get hurt in this tournament.

"You okay?" Flynn's soft voice said as he leaned down to her ear so only she could hear him. Her wall was immediately back up as her voice became a void of emotion not aware she was showing the world her feelings.

"Yea, yea I'm good. I'm just gonna stay here and wait for my brother and Cedric, you can head back to the common room," she smiled up to the boy as Dumbledore was dismissing the houses.

"I'll stay with her Flynn, keep each other company while we wait to yell at them," Emily spoke up for the first time as she moved to sit next to Harper as the group left for the dungeons.

Silence came over the two as they waited for the two boys, too busy caught up in their minds to talk to one another. Ten or thirty minutes passed by and the doors to the back room finally opened to the two Champions of the Beauxbatons and Drumstrung, followed by their headmasters.

The boys followed closely after reaching the girls once the other two champions were out of ear range in the Great Hall.

Emily's hand came into contact with crystal skin as a loud smack could be heard through the great hall. Cedric's hand immediately replaced Emily's, as a red handprint was now indented on the side of his face.

"That's gonna sting," Harry said from the side of Harper as the pair watched the two, ready to intervene if Emily started to full-on fight the poor boy.

"Shut up peanut gallery," Harper said in a hushed voice jabbing her elbow into the boy's side.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that, well I did, but I didn't mean to do it that hard, I'm sorry Ced," Emily rushed out as she saw the glowing mark on the side of his face.

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