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Chapter 5 ~ Impure


Screams surround the group, as they exited the tent, Harper latched onto her brother's arm in a panic, trying not to lose him.

A gasp came from the girl as an elbow collided with her ribs, separating her from her brother as she let go of his hand just for a second.

Lost in the crowd Harper tried to look for her brother but to no avail, she started to head to the tree line. Another scream was added to the crowd as her ankle went limp, a deep cut now replaced her ankle.

"Fudge sickles, can I just not get injured for once," her voice rang out as she tried to pull herself away from the crowd.

"You know you're supposed to be running," the tan boy stopped as he saw the girl sitting on the ground.

"Woww, really Blaise I had no idea," the girl in question looked up at the boy, as his hand was reaching out for her. "I cut my ankle pretty bad, can't put a lot of pressure on it," she said leaning on the boy as they made their way to the forest.

She was placed down as soon as they got to the outskirts of the woods. "You need to stop getting hurt," Blaise said, as he was looking around for familiar faces. "Emilllyy!" he yelled over the fading screams.

"What she do now?" Emily said as she walked over to the pair.

"I don't even get hurt that much." The pair looked at the girl leaning on the tree, simply rolling their eyes in response.

"Tripped and busted her ankle, a pretty bad gash on her left ankle," he spoke, as he watched Emily pace back and forth fidgeting with her hands.

"He's okay Em," Harper said from the ground, "His campsite was the closest to the trees." Stopping the fidgeting but not the pacing from the girl.

"Here you go find him, and I'll stay with Harper," relief flashed through Emily's eyes as she immediately took off calling the boy in question's name.

"She's gonna get caught one day," Blaise said, as he sat next to the girl on the ground. 

"Let's just hope she doesn't," sympathy flashed through her eyes. Silence filled the air as they waited for something or someone. The dark mark embalm in the sky brought the attention of the two. "Just great," she mumbled as Blaise stared at the mark in shock.

"We've been looking for you, for a good thirty minutes," Fred's voice broke the pair's eyesight off the mark.

"Are the others okay, is Harry okay?" the words spilled from her mouth, as Blaise helped her up.

"He's fine, we're all okay just a few cuts is all." He reached for the girl, putting her on his back, as Blaise informed him of the situation with her foot.

"Send me an owl once you get home safe, please Blaise." she pleaded, "Also, send Draco's letter with yours, please."

"I will Harp, don't let your brother find it first though," a laugh escaped both of their lips as they parted ways.


"Ron I swear to Merlin if you touch my hand one more time, you're gonna feel them on your face." She threatened the boy as they headed to Kings Cross station.

He quickly retracted his hands, "Why is it blue, look watch this." he picked up the girl's hand and pressed down a black ring forming around his finger.

"Leave it, I said," arriving at Kings Cross right before Harper could smack the living daylights out of Ron.

Walking through the station and seeing familiar faces flash by with quick hellos, and how are yous. The family walked through with ease only stopping to say their goodbyes

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