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Chapter 7 ~ T'ainted


Loud cheers were erupting from the Great Hall as Harper and Emily arrived to see Cedric Diggory place his name in the Goblet of Fire.

"I know this dumbass didn't just do what I think he did," Harper said as she walked further into the Great Hall for breakfast, dragging Emily along with her. "Did you know about this," Harper said as she sat next to Draco with Flynn across from her.

"Yea, we aren't really on speaking terms at the moment," Emily said sitting next to Harper with Blaise and Daphne across from them.

A sharp pain ran through Harper's shoulder instantly grabbing it, "Fudging hell" looking at her brother to see the problem was happening to him but he was grabbing his head.

"What's wrong Harp?" Draco said from her side as she placed her head on the boy's shoulder closing her eyes, trying to stop the pain. With her eyes closed, she didn't witness her brother leaving the great hall or the new pendant that graced Flynn's neck.

"Think I'm just getting a cold is all," Harper said as she picked her head up to look at the boy, a smile on her lips trying to make the boy worry a little less. "I'm going to head to Madam Promferys before lessons though."

"Do you want me to walk you there," Draco said already getting up.

"No, I'm fine Draco, thank you though," she smiled at the boy as she rushed out of the Great Hall. The boy ultimately sat back down with a look of defeat in his eyes.

"Ouch," Emily said now next to the boy. "Does it sting?" looking at the boy with mock sadness.

"Shut it, Lestrange," Draco said as he got up leaving for classes earlier.

"Ohh to be in love and not know it," Daphne quipped up as she watched the boys go into a daze of wonder. "Okay, stop being sad. I didn't sign up to be your guy's therapist," she said as she headed out of the Great Hall to their first lessons with the rest of the group in tow.


"May I ask why you two are here so early," Dumbledore said making his way from his library to his study.

"Our scars, they're hurting again. The last time they hurt was when Voldemort was around," Harry said speaking for the two as Dumbledore motioned for them to sit down.

"Interesting," Dumbledore said as he looked at the twins, trying to put the pieces together. "To my knowledge, there have been no incidents since the second year."

"You don't know why?" Harper spoke up looking at the headmaster.

"I'm afraid not Harper," Dumbledore said looking down at the young witch's hands pushed in her pockets. "That seems like to be a bigger problem at the moment," he said pointing to her hands, gesturing her to take them out of her pockets and onto his desk.

Dark blue now surrounded the girl's fingertips with hits of black amongst the blue. "I've received plenty of letters because of you," Dumbledore said with a smile on his lips as he took her hand in his examining the strange occurrence.

"Sorry, Professor," a smile peeked through the pain on her face. While she looked over to Harry to see the concern on his face.

"Oh you're fine, quite liked the attention," he smiled back at the girl, placing her left hand back onto the desk. "Seems like your hand is fighting some sort of magic."

"Do you know what kind of magic," Harry said breaking his silence from beside Harper.

"No I do not, unfortunately," he said as he took Harper's hand into his one last time, putting a spell over to cover the changing colors forming on her fingers. "I will be speaking to Professor Snape and your Uncle to see if they know anything that I may not."

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