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Chapter 4~ Crushy Wushy


"Cedd, I'll give you a gallon if you carry me the rest of the way," Harper spoke up from behind the Weasley twin's sides.

"Make it two," not even turning around to wait for her answer, he prepared himself for the two arms to cling around his neck.

"Hey, Ced?" Harper said already on the older boys' back.

"Yea Har?"

"I missed ya bud." the words spilling from her mouth as she placed her head on his shoulder, waiting to get to their destination.

"I know I'm not the only one you missed," he said with a light chuckle, only making his voice audible for Harper to hear. A soft laugh came from the girl, "I don't know, none of them wrote to me this summer."

"Them or he? Because I know for a fact Emily wrote to you. That girl was sending me all the letters to send to you."

"Yea, that annoying asshat will find any way to talk to me," a laugh escaped her lips. "She never got caught that you know of right, Ced? I would feel terrible, you know what the purebloods due to disobedience."

"She didn't get caught, I've been getting envelopes out of bushes for you." a smile graced his lips once more. "But her father from what she tells me is an amazing guy."

"Your kidding?" Harper said, picking her head up from the boy's shoulder as they reared the port key.

"Of course I'm kidding the mans' only letting her see sunlight for walks with your friends." the words tumbled out of his lips before he could stop himself.

"They were all together?" hurt laced her lips. As Cedric stopped to let the girl off his back gently, as they were at the port key.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you that." guilt was evident. "Ya know you couldn't have hung out with them anyway Har." trying to better the situation only making it worse.

"Yea I know, but a letter back would've been nice" she looked up at Cedric, her face stone cold.

"Here grab my arm," Cedric said as one hand was on the portkey and the other laced around Cedric's arm. Instead of falling heavily to the ground like her friends and brother, she was gracefully floated down by Cedric.

"Those bruises on your back, look a little fresh, don't ya think?"

"That a question or a statement, Ced?"

"Take it how you wish, but Emily will be notified."

"So classy, n-o-t-i-f-i-e-d," she mocked the boy. "You tell her and I'll tell her you have a little crushy washy on her."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would. She's dealing with a lot right now, I don't want to add anything more, their just bruises Ced." She said trying to brush the topic off as they finally reached the ground.

"Stop lying to her, to both us then." He snapped at Harper

"I didn't want you to worry, you can worry next summer." she simply smiled and parted ways with the Diggory boy'.

Harry was fast to ask questions about the interaction, Harper simply blew it off with something about Emily. The boy believed the dumb excuse as they continued to walk and find their tent.

Once they found and placed everything down they had free range to do whatever they wanted. Harry, Ron and Hermione, of course, forgot about her existence as they left to explore the campsite.

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