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Chapter 17 ~ O'ddity


TW~ Mentions of SH

"You want me to tell my brother, to do what?" Harper looked at Cedric, shocked at him even implying for her brother to take a bath with him. Her hand shot up to slap his hand away from her shoulder where he gently placed it a moment ago to keep her voice quieter. The people became whispers around her as she focused on the dirty blond Hufflepuff staring back at her with worry in his eyes.

"No, no, no that's not what I'm trying to say, at all," he tried to reassure, fidgeting with his hands slightly as the conversation continued.

"Why are you so nervous, just tell me Cedric" Harper said, getting partly annoyed as she was pushed behind a statue, waiting for Cedric to clarify his sentence about her brother. "Hey, I don't care what you do with my brother, but I would rather not be told about it," she went to walk away to only be pulled back behind the statue in haste.

"Harper please, be quiet," He looked down at her, with a deathly glare making her stop from continually walking away from him. " I just need you to tell your brother to open the egg underwater, and the perfect bathrooms have bathtubs." he clarified, continually looking all around at the people walking by them.

"Now was that so hard to say, not like a creep?" she patted his shoulder not noticing the professor lurking in the shadows overhearing the two conversations.

Cedric flicked the back of her head following her out from behind the statue. "Oh shut it, baby Potter," they began to walk down the corridors, no destination in sight.

"Baby Potter? That's a new one," She noticed heads turning as they walked down the halls, a smile gracing both of their faces. Harper watched the girls' heads turn and glared at her while they viciously talked to their friends. The boys drop their heads or roll their eyes at the two, Harper immediately dropped her head in response to her peers, her smile leaving with it...

Cedric, not noticing the girl's change of demeanor continued to walk down the corridors. "Wanna go to the Quidditch Pitch, I think they finally cleaned everything up from the first task."

"Yea," she softly spoke, listening to the voice drop to a slow drum, the rumors not jumping from ear to ear anymore, as they exited the school and made their way to the field.

"I need to teach you soon," he smiled, while holding a broom he found in the locker rooms out to her.

"Oh well, maybe, but not today," she laughed slightly, pushing the broom back into Cedric's arms.

"Never understood why Harry hasn't taught you yet," his smile dropped a little as he watched Harper tense slightly. Her feet began to kick the grass up from under her feet as she began to retell the memory.

"He did once," she smiled up at him, stopping her feet from ruining the grass. "Then I may have called him a bloody idiot, and that he's a terrible teacher," a light smile graced her lips as she remembered that wonderful day, and how heated Harry got. A slew of curse words came tumbling out of his mouth that day at the Weasleys. They spent the whole day out there on a broom, with no breaks, as Harper told him that breaks were for wimps. Both of the twins were on the verge of killing one another, Harper just beat Harry to the final sentence, first. But it was never that hard to get Harry mad or aggravated, something Harper loved to do in her free time, honestly.

"Were you any good," he looked to his side watching as a smirk evolved on her face, both still facing front towards the other side of the pitch.

"Was I any good? Is that a serious question Diggory?" he gave the girl a slight smirk, as he watched her sit on the ground, without an explanation.

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