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Chapter 22 ~ E'ccedentesiast


"Poppy I'm fine, if you don't let me leave this wretched place soon I may just jump off the astronomy tower," Harper said, throwing her hands in all kinds of directions, as Pomfrey walked away from the girl.

"I'm serious, Poppy," she yelled to the retreating figure, receiving a small laugh from a first-year across from her. Snapping her head at the laughing figure, invoking fear in the small boy at her sudden movements.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," a small genuine laugh came from her as she watched him visibly relax. "What's your name?"

"Dennis Creevy," a proud smile on his face as he stated his name, Harper immediately recognized the name from the plenty of stories Harry told her of Colin Creevy, Dennis's older brother.

"Are you anything like your brother," she smiled, looking at him sideways, as she was putting her shoes on.

"Gosh, no," he shook his head vigorously, at her statement. "I do steal his camera sometimes tho," he sheepishly said, almost ashamed of himself.

Harper got up from where she sat on her bed, making her way to the youngest Creevy boy, "Don't worry I steal a bunch of stuff from Harry too," she smirked, messing up his hair a little bit before she started to make her way out of the hospital wing.

"Yo-you're Harper?" he stuttered out, watching her swing the hospital wing door open, not recognizing her with her disheveled appearance.

"Do tell Madam Pomfrey that I decided to jump from the Astronomy Tower," she winked at the boy, before closing and leaving him with an unanswered question.

The silence of the early hours of the Hogwarts grounds brought peace to her ears. The clicking of her boots was the only thing breaking the silence. A soft hum came from the girl's lips, as she began to skip down the halls, her thoughts being on how to wake her friends on this fine Monday morning.

She slowly opened the common room door, a loud creaking noise admitting from the action. A head shot up at the noise, the washed-out blue eyes connecting to the hazel eyes in an instant. "Harper," his voice came out weakly and horsly, as he had just woken up.

He started to make his way towards her, almost lounging, as he only took eight steps to get to her. "Can we please talk," he pleaded, tilting her chin up so she was looking at him and no longer at the common room floorboards?

"Please Har," his eyes were glassy as he looked down on her again.

"Why'd you kiss h- no I don't want to know right now, can we just talk after lessons, please," Harper asked, shaking her head from his grasp as she spoke. "I promise we can talk after lessons," she stuck out her pinky finger to the boy, a slight smile on her face as she did so.

"Of course," he rushed out, stepping back, to take her pinky in his.

"After lessons?' he questioned one last final time.

"After lessons," she said, shooting finger guns at him, as she made her way to the girl's dormitories.

She opened the door to be met with four sleeping figures scattered around the room. Silently maneuvering her way to the bathroom to grab a long wet towel, thinking back to a time, George woke Fred up like this back at the burrow.

Wringing the towel out one last final time before she turned back around to be met with Daphne looking at her like she had five heads. "Don't stare, get a rag," Harper whispered motioning her to the bathroom to get her own.

Daphne stood up with no questions asked and repeated the motions she just watched Harper do. "We don't touch Emily," Harper whispered again, while she stood in front of Blaise, who situated himself on her bed.

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