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Chapter 2~ Broken Home


Harper was awoken by the moans of Harry, around a quarter of three in the morning. Instead of waking her brother up peacefully, she flung one of her pillows at him. Only taking two pillows and a kick to the head to wake him up.

The boy stood up so fast you would think someone just stabbed him.

"You're very sweaty" disgust laced her voice with a grin. "Dreams about Draco again? I think I heard you say something along the lines o-" She was stopped by a pillow being thrown at her head. "I got a boo-boo there"

"You have boo-boos everywhere."

"Harsh" The grin leaving her face and replaced with concern. "What was it about tonight?"

"The norm, ya know... snakes, abandon houses, someone dying." His eyes were replaced with crystals, as he stood back up and sat on the bed with Harper. "hey, it's okay, you're okay right now, you're with me and we're on this bed, not in a bad house." Harper tried to soothe her brother as she cradled him in her arms.

"We're not in a good house though, no matter where we go, it's trapped. I saw a man die Rye, he died and I couldn't do anything about it." he went limp into her arms this time not even trying to hold himself up. "It was a dream Harry, it wasn't real, you were here the whole entire time." Her voice sounded like a melody to the boy.

"Rye it felt so real," his voice was slowly fading from exhaustion, while she rubbed her fingers up and down his back in a soothing motion, trying to bring the boy back into a dreamless sleep.

"I promise, it wasn't" a lie she told him to much. Harry rarely broke down to Harper anymore. She knew it was sooner than later, after everything with Sirius, it brought back fresh memories of their mother and father. The pressure to be the boy who lived and do everything right, finally came crashing down on him, even just for a moment.

Harper stayed up that night, waiting for him to wake up and to make sure he didn't have any more nightmares. He awoke around six in the morning to a yawn from his sister.

"How long have you've been up?"

"Since around three." Harper got up and kicked Harry off the bed to remake it, trying to hide the grimaces of pain. "How are you feeling Bambi? Get it, Bambi, because of your Patronus?" The smile was etched on her face waiting for a laugh form her brother, with none came. "Come on that one was funny." her smile dropping.

"Rye I swear if you start calling me Bambie I'l-" cries from the living room ensued cutting off his sentence.

"There herreeee!" the twins exclaimed both grabbing their luggage, one failing and just sliding it down the stairs creating a dent in the bannister and punishment when she comes back next summer. She looked at her uncle with a sheepish look and called Harry to help her. He pushed her in front of him while their uncle looked like he was going to kill one of them.

The loud bangs came from inside the wall, getting louder and louder with more and more voices appearing by the second.

The twins looked at each other a moment of happiness, as the Weasley's voices arguing brought joy.

"Harry? Harry are you guys there?" Mr Weasley shouted over the ruckus of his children.

"Yes, Harper and I are here" an audible laugh in his voice.

"Can you guys step back, I'm going have to break through the wall," still shouting over his children fighting over how little room they had.

"YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHAT!" Vernon's voice echoed throughout the whole house. Harper flinched at the voice-only being used when something bad was about to happen.

Mr Weasley didn't wait or care what Vernon said as the wall crumbled to pieces and a bunch of gingers came ensuing out.

Ron picked up Harry's luggage while they caught up with one another. Harper didn't have that luxury, with Fred picking her up and spinning her. A gasp leaving her lips with a look of pain only Harry caught. The Weasley's don't know the extent of miss conduct the twins endure during the summer months.

Harry quickly saw the look of pain and made sure George didn't follow suit to his bothers actions. "George, can you take Harper's luggage?" The question was more spoken as a statement, as George picked up her luggage and gave her a side hug. She looked at her brother in a thanking manner, a curt nod was given back.

Fred leaned down to her ear, "The boy in the corner, do you think he would enjoy a treat?" he spoke with mischief in his eyes.

"I do think he would love one, just wait until Harry is back home before the bag slips" she winked at the younger of the Weasley twins. He simply winked back as Harry and Ron were gathering there stuff to go back to the burrow. With one final look at each other Harry could see the mischief in her eyes, he simply rolled his own, while disappearing in the green flames.

"Ready George?" Harper spoke up and as if on cue the bag of gumballs fell out of Freds' pocket. Leaving Fred to scramble to pick them up, only leaving the one that was closest to the boy. "Wait for me" Fred rushed out not wanting to stay and help his father with the problem he just created.

The words to the burrow were leaving George's mouth as Dudley's tongue started to swell and triple in size. A smile on all three of their faces, leaving the screaming of the house behind, and into the calmness that was the burrow.

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