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Chapter 16 ~ .D'eprived


"Ohh Dracooo," Harper dragged out bounding down the girl's dormitories with a new box of green pins. Emily shoved the box in her hands last minute as she was walking out of the dorms. She took this opportunity to give Draco, the pin Harry and her cursed just the night before.

Draco grabbed the box from the girl placing it on the table before looking back up at Harper. "Here let me put this on you," Harper began to pin the green badge on Draco's jumper pocket, Draco not realizing the second message the pin held.

"Harper you didn't," a smile broke out on Flynn's face looking at Draco's pin.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" a smirk graced her face when she looked back up at the blond, that wasn't paying any attention to the two.

"Never expected that from sweet Harper," Flynn said, pulling the girl down onto the couch as they waited for the others to get ready and go to Hogsmead. She lightly pulled down her jumper sleeve, being pulled up by Flynn's sudden movements.

"How long do you think it will take for him to notice," Flynn said oblivious to Harper's red wrists.

"Give it to breakfast," she smiled up at the boy, Emily and Daphne sitting on the couches opposite of the two, and followed their gazes.

"You didn't," Daphne gasped, as Emily reached over to give Harper a high five. Blaise soon entered the common room to be the last of the friend group to see what the pin said on Draco's jumper, being on display for the entire common room.

"He's going to kill you, Harper," Blaise laughed, looking at Draco who kept on handing out buttons, receiving smiles and small laughs as he handed out each button. "Do they all say that," Flynn spoke up from beside her.

"Nope," she smirked. "Just his"

Once he was done handing out the buttons he turned around to see his whole friend group's eyes boring into him. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," he said, annoyed grabbing his coat for the walk to Hogsmeade.

"Gladly," Daphne said, picking up an old disposable camera out of Harper's bag, and taking a picture of the boy, just as the button revealed its true message. A laugh escaping the group at Draco's annoyed expression, "You lot are starting to get on my nerves," Draco pouted heading out of the dungeons and up to the Great Hall.

"Ohh I can't let my friend embarrass himself like this anymore," Blaise leaned down to Harper.

"I can," she smirked, watching Draco walk into the Great Hall acting like he owned the school, as laughter erupted from the Gryffindor table at his entrance. The group watched Draco slam his coat on the bench and look at the group angrily.

"What did you do," he looked directly at Harper, who sat across from him with Flynn.

"Never knew you wanted the world to know about your daddy issues," Harper smirked at him, looking up from her plate and to his pin. She watched the realization set in when Draco quickly looked down at the pin and ripped it off, slightly ripping his jumper in the process.

"I'm going to kill you," he held the pin in his hand watching the message repeating several times before he looked back up at the ginger.

"Get in line," she said sarcastically referring to the times Voldermort has tried to kill her in the past. A small laugh came from Daphne, coming out in fits as she was trying to suppress her laughter, for Draco's sake.

"Blaise, can you go and distract the two boys while we kidnap Harper for the day, to go dress shopping," Emily whispered from beside the boy, as the others were distracted by the whole pin situation still.

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